Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dr. Appt Update {January 16, 2013}

Today we had another appointment with the doctor. I get weirdly nervous before each appointment. I think I worry that he is going to tell me there is a problem, and that scares me a lot. Luckily, we are doing really good. I am measuring exactly right on and the baby's heart beat was good a strong. Since I am pretty much in my third trimester (my tracker says it starts at 28 weeks, but the chart at my doctors office says it starts at 25 weeks) so I will start going every other week. We literally set all my appointments for the rest of my pregnancy today- and it was weird. I have 7 appointments left. It makes me a little nervous to think about that.

The one thing we did find out today- no wedding for me and the baby. Sam's little sister is getting married in Salt Lake the end of March, and I talk to the doctor about it today. He said I shouldn't travel that late in the pregnancy. He said he likes when moms stop traveling around 34 weeks, but really nothing after 36. If we calculated right, when Ali gets married I will be 37 and well in to the "no way" zone. I was pretty sad. He explained that this biggest worry with traveling later in pregnancy is that sitting in one position for too long, in conjunction with being so pregnant really increases your risk for blood clots in your legs. He said its just way safer to not. I am pretty sad to miss such a big day for Ali, but I also really want to make sure that the baby and I stay as healthy as possible. I felt horrible when I called and told her this morning. So, I am determined to make her shower extra special and fun. (maybe more for selfish reasons, but nonetheless).

I love being able to report good doctor appointments, and hope that just continues throughout! Yay!

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