Monday, January 28, 2013

28 Weeks {January 28, 2013}

Hello Third Trimester! I can't believe I am in the home stretch! This little guy is a moving machine right now. The other morning I woke up and felt him move and kick me like crazy for almost ten minutes. My mom and Kate have felt him move now. I can see him kick my stomach when I am just sitting at my desk sometimes, and it always makes me laugh. I feel pretty big and am having a harder time finding things to wear as far as pants go. I am still doing ok on shirts. I tried to put my normal jeans on the other day, luckily I could get them up, but doing them up wasn't happening. I have started to think about buying a belly band, because if I would have had one, I could have totally worn my jeans, and probably my skirts and dress pants too. If I ever find one on sale, I'll buy it.

My ribs, back, and hips have been hurting pretty bad lately. Luckily if I can get up and move I feel much better. I am grateful the pain doesn't last for very long. I have been sleeping REALLY good lately (knock on wood). It takes me a minute to get comfortable, but I can usually sleep through most of the night and I feel like I am getting a pretty restful sleep. I am so grateful for that.

I feel myself wanting to get back into shape already, and I can feel that the bigger I get the harder thats going to be for me. I have been pretty content to get bigger and bigger, but I am starting to miss working out hard and I can feel myself wanting that back. I hope that lasts, so after I deliver I will be extra motivated to get back into shape. I do not want to be one of those moms that takes two years to get back into shape.

{Week 28  January 28, 2013}

Dear Baby:

I absolutely love feeling you move around. You are getting so much stronger, and I am THRILLED about that. You like when I work out and it feels like you do your own work out in my tummy after I get done. I love it and it makes me think you are going to be an active little one when you get here.

We have thrown out a few different names for you. The ones I said were:


Your dad threw out:


We came to an agreement that your dad is going to try to come around to Hudson, and I will try to be more open to names he throws out. Naming you has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I wish you could tell us what your name should be.

Only 12 weeks until we meet you!

Love, Mom

-I still have my rash/breakout on my neck, chest, and shoulders. It seems to be doing a little better than it has in the past. Just one of those I hope just goes away after I deliver.
- I feel extremely large and wonder how on earth I am going to get back to a normal size.
- I haven't noticed swelling yet, which is so nice.
- I have started reading books about breast feeding and raising boys. Two of the things that scare me the most (besides the actual delivery).
- I am so scared that because my pregnancy has been so mild, that means I am going to have a horrible delivery. I worry most that something will go wrong with him. I feel much better when people tell me that my doctor is the best one for complicated deliveries.
- Sometimes I wonder what it will be like when I go into have him- will I be calm and ready? Freaked out and crying? Scared and anxious? Ornery and  irritable?
- I have started to think about a hospital bag, and what I need. It makes me a little nervous, but I am excited to get a cute new bag.
- I can be pretty irritable lately, but luckily it doesn't last too long.

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