Monday, January 7, 2013

25 Weeks {January 7, 2013}

15 weeks (or less) until we get to meet this little one. That is SO crazy to me. I swear these weeks are just getting faster and faster. I feel really big lately. It doesn't necessarily bother me, I just feel big. (Does that make sense). I have really made an effort to walk more lately, and I really do feel so much better after I walk. My goal is every day for more than 30 minutes. I know I will always have excuses, but I swear if it wasn't so cold I would go so much longer. Oh well.

I haven't really done a lot of baby prep lately. I feel like during the week I kind of get into my routine and I don't really deviate from that, then the weekend comes and its time to recuperate from the week, then by the time that's done its Monday again. Its a vicious cycle. I really don't have too much left to do though. I can't finish the wall art until the photos I ordered get here, and until we pick a name for sure. Then we need a crib mattress and the bedding. I have to wait and save my money for fabric for the bedding, because of course the prints I like are like $13.00 a yard. Other than that we need a chair for the baby's room and I think that's about it. I am sure there are few little small things I will think of that I need to do, but almost all the major stuff is done. I am going to try to go back up to SLC one more time and hit up IKEA. I need some stuff for the baby, and for Ali's shower, and it will be good to see Kate one more time. So, hopefully after the February we will have everything done. Oh, I have been looking at car seats and strollers and I haven't found the one I like yet, so once I find that we will be good to go.

{Week 25-  January 7, 2013}

Dear Baby:

I LOVE feeling you move around all the time. I was out running errands over the weekend and I felt you wiggling and kicking all around. I had to stopped and laughed because I can feel so much going on inside of me, and no one around me knows about it. Its just our little secret. I like being able to share that with you.

You are such a funny baby. Your dad has been trying to feel you move, but every time he puts his hand on my tummy you stop moving. He said he thinks its because he makes you feel calm, and that when you know its him you just settle right down. I think you are just playing tricks on him. Either way its funny to me. You always kick a lot when you know Gator's head on my tummy. I think you are trying to play with Gator. Gator doesn't mind, I think he likes to feel you move and hear you.

I keep having dreams of what its going to be like once you're here. Some times my dreams are scary, but most of the time I am just so excited that you're here. The other night I had a dream that I kept forgetting to feed you. It was so awful. I am sure you won't let me forget, but its just one of those things that I worry about because I am your mom (and because I have never been a mom before).  Yup, you are going to make  me a mom for the first time! Thanks for making me a mom! You're first day in the world, will be my first day as a mom.(even though I know I am already you're mom right now)  Hopefully we can both remember that neither one of us has done this before, and we are both going to need a lot of patients with each other. I will try to remember if you do. Sometimes when I wake up in the mornings I think about what waking up will be like once you're here. I can hardly wait to have you. I think you are going to make our house feel so special.

Keep growing big and strong.

Love you.

Love, Mom

Pregnancy Update:

- I still am breaking out like crazy on my chest and neck. Its really gross to me.
- I can sleep all the way through night and not have to get up and go to the bathroom- that's nice.
- I don't feel that crazy hungry feeling when I wake up as much any more. Its depends on the day though.
- My hips and ribs hurt when I sit or lay down too long.
- My low back does too.
- I started getting some small stretch marks on my side, and I absolutely hate it.
- I get minor heart burn, but I decided it not bad enough to take anything for it.
- I have been very lucky and have not taken any kind of medication through my entire pregnancy- my goal is to keep it that way.
- I am RELIGIOUS about taking my prenatal vitamin
- I feel like I get irritated pretty easily lately.
- I really love sweets again
- I have been craving Mexican food ALL THE TIME!
- I also think that hamburgers sound good most of the time too

Here I am at 25 weeks:

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