Friday, January 25, 2013

30 things- #3

3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.

This one is a little strange to write about because I feel like a lot of things in my relationship are pretty private (and I like it that way). So, I guess that's a good place to start, I feel like Sam and I are pretty good about keeping a lot of our relationship between the two of us. We don't really involve our friends and family in decisions we make or arguments we have, and I love that. We are pretty silly and we laugh A LOT together. I feel like we have a really strong friendship first, and a romantic relationship second. I feel like we are a good balance for each other. He is really laid back on somethings, and really uptight on other things, and it seems like the areas where he is laid back that's where I am up tight and the areas where I am uptight he is laid back. He is the fix man, and I am the idea lady. He is the practical one, I am the dreamer. He is hands on guy, and I am problem solver. He is the best forgiver and has started to teach me how to do it better. I am the go-getter and he is so good to just let me go and do all my crazy ideas. I don't feel like we have "gender roles" in our relationship, which is good because I don't think I could handle that. There are certain things that I always do, and certain things that Sam always does but I feel like those are more based on our likes and dislikes and weaknesses and strengths verses male verses female. 

I love the relationship we have, and I am glad that is continually changing and growing. I think the relationship we have now is the best its ever been, and I hope that it continues to change to the the new best. 

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