Friday, August 17, 2012

I am kind of getting tired of personal history-- but here goes

Around the World:
*What major world events have happened in your lifetime?

I was in 9th grade with the Twin Towers were attacked on 09/11/01. That was pretty traumatic. I feel like there actually has been a lot of violence world wide in my lifetime. In my area, we had two pretty major floods and one bigger earth quake (so far). 

*Has it affected who you are now? 
Well, September 11th has really changed how we fly and travel. It has made terrorism really real. The flooding has made me realize that I don't want to live by the river.

*Who was the President when you were born?  Who is it now?
I actually had no clue, but after googling it I found it it was Ronald Reagan.

*What natural disasters have you been in?
See above. 

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