Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pinterest Challenge

Has anyone seen the Pinterest Challenge?  I have started to see more and more people taking the challenge. Basically what it is, is that you pick something from Pinterest to do every day for a month- then you can have a "Done" board instead of all of the "Things I will do someday" pins. I am a little tempted to try it. Has anyone tried it? Does it take over your life? Maybe with the upcoming shower it would be a great idea, but that would mean I would have to get really ambitious... seems like a lot of work??? I will have to some checking on my boards and see if there are things I could do without much effort (that's the spirit) :)

1 comment:

  1. I have a "Tried it" board where I post things I did that turned out well. But I think it's a really good idea to also have a done board. I have over 800 pins so it would take me a while!!
