Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The cabin


For third Sunday dinner this month we headed up to the cabin. We are probably almost to the end of our cabin dinner days, and I'm pretty sad about it. For some reason, I have really loved the cabin this year. I think it's because I know Hayes loves being up there, it makes me love it more. It's cool weather and so nice to be away for a little while. Its like the perfect reset button before you start a new week.

This may be kind of mean, but these progression shots kill me! Hayes is a bit clumsy, but luckily very resilient. He hops right back up and gets on his way when he falls down. I hope he never looses that.

I really loved his outfit and I had to take some pictures of him in it. The boots have a funny story. I bought him these boots on Saturday because the winter shoes I ordered for him are too big. These boots will be so fun for church and for winter time and I absolutely love them. So, Sunday when we are getting ready to go to the cabin we put the boots on Hayes. He instantly starts bawling and sits down and is pretty hysterical. I checked his feet to make sure nothing was pinching or hurting, and I couldn't see anything. So, I try to help Hayes up and he instantly falls back down and cries even harder. So, I picked him up and tried to sooth him and see what the problem was, I honestly could not figure it out. So, again, I set him back down to walk, and he cries a bit more and tries to take a step. He did it so slowly and concentrated. I'm not sure if it was the heaviness of the boots or the stiff soles, but I am convinced he thought I made it so he couldn't walk! After a few minutes he figured out he could walk and was trucking all over! I was DYING laughing! All the things you never realize are new until Hayes experiences them for the first time, and I realize just how strange all this must seem to him. Poor guy! I would have cried my eyes out too if I thought someone made it so I couldn't walk! haha :)

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