Sunday, September 7, 2014


Poor Gator kind of gets the short end of the stick around here lately. The house kind of revolves around Hayes and Gator just kind of has to be ok with things. On the other hand though, I am home more and so he does get to spend more time walking and at the park and home with people than he ever did before. I guess its a give and take. Well, the end of August Gator turned 5, and I was such a slacker dog mom and didn't even celebrate!! (last year we had a party with cake and pizza!) I took him for a great walk and gave him a bunch of left over meat to make up for it though. So I thought I'd share some thing about our sweet Gator dog! 

Gator is such a great dog. We really got a good one with him. He is such a sweetie pie and so patient with Hayes. He makes me so happy. Sam jokes sometimes that I love Gator more than I love him because I always am worried about what Gator wants or needs and because I let him ride in my new car. Sam was so upset, but I couldn't stand to leave Gator home alone. He gets sad when he gets left and it breaks my heart. 

Gator is one of the best running partners around. 
Gator LOVES fresh cut green grass and rolls and plays in it like he's a puppy whenever he can. 
Gator LOVES anything squeaky or that lights up. 
Gator can tear anything apart in less than two seconds, but has learned to take care of his favorite toys
Gator loves his Grandma Lynne, almost as much as she loves him
Gator loves when he gets to go in the car 
Gator loves to go to the mountain
Gator LOVES table scraps
Gator hates cucumbers, bananas, and anything too spicy. 
Gator LOVES to go for walks  
Gator loves to swim
Gator loves to go to the park
Gator loves to chase the ball, but doesn't always like to bring it back
Gator doesn't like our neighbor dogs
Gator hates Pit Bulls
Gator LOVES to chase cats 
Gator loves to sleep under a vent
Gator loves to watch out the windows all day long
Gator will go hide in our room when he's had enough of Hayes
Gator is scared of balloons and the vacuum
Gator is not bothered by fireworks, lightning or loud noises
 but can tell when Sam's truck is coming up the street 
Gator is scared of metal man hole covers
Gator is not afraid to protect his family, but sometimes we have to protect him.
Gator loves his family. 

Seriously though, Gator has felt like a member of our family from day one. I am so glad he is apart of our lives. I couldn't ask for a better dog. He really has been so great to have with Hayes and for me too. I'm not sure what we would do without him. 

When I think about him getting old and dying, I literally start crying. I just can't imagine life without him. I hope that he lives a long happy life and that we get have a million more walks and park play dates with him. 
So, Happy 5th Birthday Gator Licious! We love you forever! 

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