Sunday, September 7, 2014

Children's museum and the splash pad {September 4, 2014}

I've talked about and tried to take Hayes to the Children's Museum it seems like forever, well, finally I timed it right and we were able to go. Hayes LOVED it! He is getting to be an age that he can actually start to enjoy things like this now. He ran from room to room exploring and touching everything he could. He LOVED the mail truck and kept being so silly in it. He also really loved the garden that he could pull the veggies out of the "the ground". He really enjoyed the music room and loved to pound on the piano. The other thing he loved and would have stayed on for hours was the stairs. That kid! We go to a museum full of fun activities and things to do, and he wants to head to the stairs and go up and down all day. What a nut! 

After the Children's Museum, we headed outside. I was thinking he would want to go get a treat at Judd's, but when he saw the splash pad and all that water, there was no stopping him. He basically ran to the water and got right in. He loved to put his hands in the sprayers and to chase after the water. He was a little nervous about the big water fall in the middle, and steered clear of that. He played and played. I didn't bring any towels or extra clothes because I wasn't really planning on him getting wet. He was devastated when it was time to go and cried so much. I was lucky and found a blanket in the car, but I had to strip him down and put a new diaper on, and take him home naked. He was wearing his yellow moccasins, and they dyed his feet yellow! I scrubbed them for so long trying to get the yellow off, finally it faded out.  

It was a really fun day and I'm sure we will be back there quite a bit. 

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