Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Driving the bus

The other day, McKall had a soccer game here in town so me and Hayes headed over to watch her play. It worked out that my dad was driving a different team to the same school and was able to stay and watcher her play too. After we watched her play, my dad had to bring the bus around to take this other team home. He had a few minutes while they were getting ready, so he let Hayes come play on the bus for a few minutes. Holy Moly! You have never seen a happier boy! He thought Grandpa was the coolest EVER! He was jumping and around and yelling "Ya Ya Ya!!" Everyone that got on the bus was just laughing and loving him. He thought he was soooo cool! He learned to honk the horn too, and he was in absolute heaven. As you can imagine, he cried and cried when it was time for us to leave. It's hard to leave something so new and cool! I get it Hayes, I totally get it.

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