Monday, October 29, 2012

15 Weeks {October 29, 2012}

Today I am officially 15 weeks, however I notice I started telling people I was 15 weeks on Thursday (its weird to say 14 and 1/2 weeks, but I feel like I should get credit for half a week and I was always taught to round up). We are all getting super excited for the 15th to come and to find out what we're having. I feel like I am not really showing today. If I wear this stripped maxi skirt I have, then I feel like I show a lot more.

The other night I had a dream I had a miscarriage. It was HORRIBLE! I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep for a while. In my dream I just kept crying and could not stop. I think I cried in my sleep. I hate dreams like that. I have heard having dreams like that is pretty normal when you're pregnant, but I really hope I don't have another one.

I have started having the pains on the side of my stomach. I read that its normal and your body starting to get ready ready to expand. They are pretty quick,but sometimes they are pretty painful. I was talking to Sam about them yesterday and we both agreed its seriously the most amazing thing that my body just knows what to do and how to get ready for this little one. I am in constant amazement of what is going on, and how things just know what to do. It really is one of the coolest things to be a part of. 

I am feel pretty good still. I still get pretty tired, and I have to keep food in my tummy or I feel sick, but other than that things are pretty much normal. I seriously can not complain, I have been extra lucky. Sam's cousin, Blake and his wife stopped by to visit yesterday. They have been living in Germany for the past couple of years. They got married about a year after us. We talked to them about having kids and they are in the same place we were. They are just enjoying marriage right now. Sam and I both told them that its so good to just enjoy where you are, and to not start having kids until you're ready. I feel like I can really enjoy being pregnant and getting ready for this baby, because I know I wanted it and it was on my time. Its so important to be ready. 

{Week 15- October 29, 2012}

Dear Baby:

How are things going in there? I hope you are growing big and strong so we can play when its time for you to come out. Grandma Lynne told me that I should start feeling you move soon. I haven't yet though. Hopefully soon. Are you a boy or girl? I can hardly wait to find out. Sometimes I really think you're a girl. 

We had a family Halloween party on Saturday. Next year you will get to come and join in on the fun. I bet you will love it. Its fun to think what we will be doing with you when you get here. Is there anything fun you want to do? I bet for the first little while you won't think things here are too much fun, but once we all get the hang of things I am sure we will have lots of fun. 

We still like the same names for you, so once we find out what you are, hopefully you will have a name. I want to start working on your room, but we have to get Kati married first. I hope I can get things cleaned out and painted during Christmas and Thanksgiving time. I hope you like how we decorate your room. When you get bigger I am sure you can change it if you want. 

I need to start buying you some clothes too. I tried to over the weekend, but its hard to find something you would wear if you are a boy or a girl. It will be much easier once we know what you are. Did I tell you we want to have party for you? Yup, once we find out if you are a boy or a girl we are going to have party to tell everyone. Don't worry though, we will have lots more parties once you get here. 

Keep growing strong, and have fun with everyone in heaven. You are going to be here before you know it (and before we know it). 

Love you!
Love, Mom!

My goal of the week is to get to the gym 3 times. I have really slacked on going to the gym, partially because we have been gone so much and partially because I have been getting things ready for Kati's shower and wedding. If I was really honest though the big part is because I feel super lazy right now, which is dumb because I know working out gives me more energy. I will get there this week, promise!

I don't feel like I have much of a pregnancy update this week- its all pretty much the same. :)  

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