Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thankful {December 5, 2012}

I did a horrible job at taking pictures at Thanksgiving this year, and I never really posted very much about what we did, slacker. I guess I just love writing about this baby more. This year we were with my mom's family. I absolutely love going with them. Bailey drove down from Wyoming and it was so fun to see her. We decided it had been at least a year from the last time I saw her. That's just too long. Stockden and Kelsey's little boy Ryne played together and were so sweet. They just instantly became best friends and never really left each other's side the whole day. We tied a quilt, mom and DeAnn love the new tradition they started of tying a quilt every year we're together. It really is fun to sit down and do that for a little while, and with all the hands we have it goes pretty fast. This year it was for one of Bart's kids.

This time of year is one of my favorites. I love that there is a whole day dedicated to being thankful and acknowledging our blessings. I am HORRIBLE about getting into my same routine and forgetting just how blessed I really am. So, here are a few things that I am so grateful for this year.

  1. My mom. She is such a sweetheart and one of my best friends. I am so lucky to have her. She is so caring and giving and considerate. She shows me the best example of compassion and constant service. She is such a huge blessing in my life. 
  2. My dad. I am so grateful for my dad. He always makes me laugh and has the best way of balancing laughter and fun with wisdom and kindness. He is the one I turn to with all of my questions and dilemmas. He always has the best advise. I trust him completely and know that he always has my best interest at heart. He is such a hard worker and has shown me a great example of being humble and never giving up. He really is the rock of our family. 
  3. My sisters. I am so blessed to be so close to my sisters. They are my best friends. I enjoy spending time with them and have been so blessed to be able to travel to amazing places with them. Each of them brings their own set of strengths and talents and I am so lucky to have each of them. I am so grateful for their friendship, kinds words and actions, and listening ears. 
  4. Sam's family. I feel so incredibly blessed to have married into such an amazing family. I have felt so much love and acceptance from them and their kindness has never ceased to amaze me. They are so kind to one another and show so much consideration for each other. They are one of the kindest families I have ever met. I am so grateful for their welcoming arms and love. I am so blessed to have such a sweet, generous, considerate mother-in-law and father-in-law. I am so grateful for their examples. I am so grateful to be able to learn from them. One thing that I really admire about Sam's whole family is how expressive of love they are. They are always telling each other just how much they love and care for each other. I really admire that about them. 
  5. Sam. There are so many things about Sam that I am grateful for. I am grateful that he is my best friend. I am grateful that we can laugh and have fun together. I am grateful for his example of forgiveness. He forgives, and asks for forgiveness so quickly. I am grateful for the hard worker that he is. I can honestly say that being married to Sam has made me a better person. He is so sweet and complimentary. He is so willing to help and do whatever I need. I feel truly blessed to have him in my life. I am also so grateful that we get to have this little boy together. I feel so lucky to have him as my partner. I am looking forward to seeing him as a dad and feel so grateful that he is this little one's dad. 
  6. I am grateful for work, our home, and for having our needs met. 
  7. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be pregnant. I feel so humbled by the experience and am truly honored to be able to carry this sweet baby, and to be able to welcome this sweet little guy into our family. 
  8. I am grateful for our extended family. We feel so much love and support from all sides of our families. We are so lucky to have so many amazing examples and friends that we get to call family. I am so grateful for each person on every side of our family. 
  9. I am grateful for the church. I am so grateful for the knowledge that it brings. I am grateful for insight that I have because of it, and the knowledge and faith for something so much greater than myself. 
  10. I am grateful for prayer. 
  11. I am grateful for eternal families. 
  12. I am grateful for primary, and especially my primary kids. They bring me so much joy and share so much love. I am so thankful for my calling in primary. 
  13. I am so grateful for St. George. I love living here and enjoying just how beautiful the area is. I am so glad that I get to call this area home. 
  14. I am grateful for our dog Gator. He really has been the best addition to our family. I love seeing him when I get home and I am so grateful for his companionship. He is such a sweet dog. 
  15. I am grateful for modern medicine and the ability I have to see my baby before he is born and to hear his heart beat. 
  16. I am grateful for education and knowledge. I love to learn and am so grateful that I have had so many opportunities to learn in so many different environments. 
  17. I am so thankful for my friends. I have been so blessed to have such great friends. I have been blessed in so many different ways and at many different times be each of my friends, and I am so grateful for that. I am so lucky to have my friends in my life. 
  18. I am grateful for bad examples. I think I more just as much from people who have shown me what I don't want as I have from people showing me what I do want, and I am thankful for the guidance and direction I get from seeing what I don't want. 
  19. I am grateful for my nieces and nephew. I am grateful that my sister has allowed us to be such a big part of their lives. I am grateful for each one of them. They bring so much to our family. I am grateful for the experiences they gave me, and how it has hopefully helped prepare me to be a mom. 
  20. I am grateful to live in the United State of America. So blessed to have freedom and the ability to pursue my dreams and goals. 

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