Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dr Appt. {December 19, 2012}

Today I got to have another ultrasound. Because we paid to do the gender check, and because I did it so much later, we decided to push my regular "20 Week" ultra sound back a couple of weeks. I liked that better because then we got to check on him twice. It was so fun to see him again. He is such a funny baby. He was all curled up on my side and didn't seem interested in moving around for the tech to get good shots of him. He moved his legs around and crossed his ankles again, but was pretty content to just lay there. I asked the ultrasound tech to keep checking his heart to make sure he was ok, since last time he was wiggling every where. It made me worried at first, but he would wiggle his feet or move his arms around and let me know he was ok. I hope since he was pretty comfortable all cuddled up that means when he gets here he will want to cuddle with me all the time too. The other selfish part of me hopes that maybe it was just too early and he was still sleeping, and that he will like to sleep in the mornings :)

Since he was all snuggled up she couldn't get a good picture of his heart, so she had me jump around and wiggle around to try and get him to move, but no luck. I guess he's use to me doing that kind of stuff at the gym so it doesn't bother him. Finally I just had to turn on my side and the tech had to go in from all these weird angles to be able to see his heart. What a funny boy he is.

Sam wasn't able to come to this appointment, so my mom came with me. I was really glad to have her there. I think it was fun for her to see him too.

I met with the doctor after and she said that everything is looking good, what a relief. She said that he is measuring normal and that he has all the parts he needs, and they are all in the right spots. She said that I am measuring right on track too. I could not have been more happy. I still always get a little emotional when I heart his sweet little heart beat. It has got to be the sweetest sound in the whole world. There is nothing better than hearing the beating heart of your child.

I am so grateful that he is doing so good and that things are going so well. I feel extremely blessed.

Not too many more of these appointments before this little one comes (if everything stays normal I think I have less than 10 appts until my due date). It seems like a lot, but I have learned that they come and go faster than I realize.

Today I feel very grateful for modern medicine and the fact that they can move this little wand on my tummy and get a picture of my baby. How grateful I am for that.

Even though my little guy isn't here yet, I still love being his mama! :)

This is the side of his face, and it kind of looks like he is rubbing his eye. 

His sweet little crossed ankles. I can't wait to see him do that in person. 

His spine. 

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