Monday, December 17, 2012

22 Weeks {December 17, 2012}

I am 22 weeks and feeling pretty good. Its a little weird to read my tracker and see the time remaining getting smaller and smaller. I am getting so excited to meet this little guy, but I feel like I am running out of time to get things ready. I guess it won't really matter if I am ready or not, he'll be here when he decides its time. One more example of the fact that I have no say in what happens. Just lucky to be a part of this whole thing.

I feel like my tummy just popped out all of the sudden. I don't mind it though. I like the fact that its growing, because that means my little guy is growing too. Its weird though because when I see pictures I feel like I look a lot bigger than I feel. Maybe I am just use to my weight fluctuating so this isn't that weird for me to feel bigger? I am sure over the next few months I will notice it more than I do now. Finding clothes has started to be a bigger problem. I have LOTS of tops to wear, but I am running short on bottoms. Almost none of my skirts fit now (probably because I have a hundred tight pencil skirts that zip up). I am left to about 4 things I can wear on the bottom that still fit. I found some dresses at Old Navy that will be fun though. I think I will be able to wear them for a while with leggings. I am starting to think I may have to cave and buy at least a black maternity skirt, just so I can actually look somewhat professional at work. I think my boss may have a come apart if I keep showing up in my red skinny jeans.

I have started to feel this little one move more! It is one the best feelings in the whole world. I always thought it would freak me out a little bit to feel something moving inside of me, but to be honest I just love it. I feel like little wiggles and kicks are my signals that he is still ok in there. I am SO grateful for wiggles and kicks. I feel kind of sad for Sam. I get to lay down and feel this little guy move around, and he hasn't been able to feel that yet. I am so excited for him to be able to feel our baby move. I know he will love it.

{Week 22-   December 17, 2012}

Dear Baby:

We got your room all painted this weekend and ready for furniture. I think you are going to love how it turned out. I hope that we can spend a lot of time in there reading stories and playing with toys (and hopefully you will sleep a whole bunch in there too). This weekend we are going to buy your crib and dresser and bookshelf. I am so excited to pick out all the that stuff for you. Your aunts Kati and Ali are going to come and help me. They are so excited for you to come.

Your Aunt Brandi was here this weekend. She is BEYOND EXCITED for you. She lives far away, but is going to come out and see you when you're born. She loves how big you are making my tummy and couldn't help but try to feel you move. I bet you will just love Brandi.

Your uncle Luke is here for a little while too. He lives far away, even farther than Brandi. He is pretty excited to be your uncle. He bought you a nice warm winter coat (its from Alaska where he lives). He said you will stay nice and warm in it, and you could wear it if we go see him up there. Isn't that so nice of him? You are one lucky baby to have such nice uncles and aunts to watch out for you.

I get to see you again this week. I have another ultrasound. I hope you are just as wiggly as the first time we saw you. This time the doctor is going to make sure that you are growing and that you have everything you need. I am really excited, and hope that they will tell me you are doing great in there.

We love you little one and hope that you are getting all the things you need in there, and that you will be healthy and strong. I am so grateful to be able to carry you and feel so honored to be your mom.

Love you!

Love, Mom

We got, well Sam got the rest of the baby's room painted this weekend. It turned out AMAZING! I am getting really excited to get it decorated. Hopefully this weekend we are going to buy some furniture for it. I want to at least get the crib, dresser, and a bookshelf. I think I will try to keep looking for a glider.  I found one I like, but I want to make sure before I order it. I also need to find a rug.

One of my friends is such a talented graphic designer and is making the cutest custom wall art to hang in his room. I am so excited to see it. I also have another friend who is going to help me get my vinyl lettering cut out to put a saying on some canvas. Then, another friend offered to sew all of the crib bedding! Isn't that amazing! She said she can sew sheets, a crib skirt, and a quilt. I am so lucky to have such talented and generous friends. Sam's mom and family have also offered all kinds of help and support where ever we need it. My family has also been beyond kind and generous. I have been overwhelmed by how kind and thoughtful and generous people have been. So many people have given kind gifts, offered to make or do anything I need, and been extremely supportive. We have even had people offer to babysit him already. I seriously could just sit and cry because I feel so blessed to have such amazing people around us. I am so grateful for the love that we have been shown. I know that this baby will come into a world filled with good people to love and help take care of him. I am very aware it takes a village to raise a child, and I have no intention of trying to do that all on my own. I know I am completely inadequate on my own to raise this sweet child.

I have had a few really good nights sleeping, like I didn't even have to wake up and go to the bathroom. Sometimes I wake up with my hips or my side hurting.

I still am breaking out like crazy, especially on my neck and chest. Its gross.

I have started drinking a little more soda, and I don't feel quite so turned off to it now.

I have really made an effort to start walking more each day, and I really think it is helping how tired I feel.

I am still stretching every night and started doing some stretching on my aerobics ball as well as some stomach exercises. All of those things really help how tight I feel.

I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk. It always sounds good.

My little cheese obsession is starting to fade (thank heavens).

I still getting pretty tired, and cannot force myself to stay up past about 9:30.

My little primary kids love my tummy. They told me on Sunday that they can tell my baby is getting bigger and that he is such a good baby. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness How cute is your belly!!!! I love it!! I can't wait your little guy, or our boys to be BEST friends! I'm glad that pregnancy is still treating you well!:)
