Monday, December 10, 2012

21 Weeks {December 10, 2012}

Things have been going pretty good lately. Still growing and still get pretty tired, but all in all doing really good. I think I can feel him move, its still hard for me to tell whats me and what is the baby. Most times I just assume its him because I like that thought a lot better.

I have started buying him a few more things. It hard to know what to get and what size to get. I think it will be much easier for shop for him once he's here. Then I will know what looks cute and what will fit him. I found some really cute moccasins. I bought them in two sizes so he can wear them for a long time. I also found this really cute Halloween costume. I know that sounds crazy, but Old Navy was having a way good sale and I had coupons, so I got this adorable tiger costume for 2 dollars. You can't beat that!

I have still been breaking out in weird places (like the side of my neck). It doesn't bother me, only when  I see it in the mirror, then it bugs me a lot. Other than that things have stayed pretty much the same. Not a lot of changes other than just growing.

{Week 21-- December 10, 2012}

Dear Baby:

I am just getting so excited to meet you. I watched a show the other day about a couple that had a baby. They filmed going to the hospital, being at the hospital, and then after they took the baby home. It was fun to think that in just a few short months we will be doing that with you. We are so excited to be able to do bring you home and have you in our family.

I can't wait to meet you and learn about you. I wonder what your favorite color will be, or if you like sports. I wonder if you will be loud like me, or quite like your dad. I wonder if you will like trucks and cars like Stockden, or if you will find something else that you like more. I wonder if you will be a mama's boy, or daddy's helper. I wonder if you will be crazy or chill. I wonder if you will have dark hair or light hair. I wonder what color your eyes will be. Its fun to wonder what you'll be like, but I think I will have more fun when I can finally answer all those questions.

If there is one thing that I hope you know right now, and that you never forget is that you are wanted, you were planned for, and you are such a blessing. Those things are just as true today as they will be in 50 years. You are such a blessing. We feel incredibly lucky to be your family. We love you little one!

Keep growing strong and getting big!

Love you!

Love, Mom

Here's the tummy at 21 weeks:

1 comment:

  1. You are so good to take pics every week. I think I did it fairly regularly with Sophie...and with this pregnancy, I think I only have one. Shame on me! Love the cute clothes...that's how I do it. I love to shop the clearance section for NEXT year's clothes. :)
