Monday, December 3, 2012

20 Weeks {December 3, 2012}

Time is seriously going by SOOO fast! I can't believe it. Sometimes I wish it would slow down, but then other times I am so glad time is flying by. We have started to get more things ready for this sweet little one to get here. Sam started painting the room, its not done yet, but we're on our way. Its a REALLY light shade of gray, I am trying to decide if I should do darker gray stripes or white ones on one wall. At first I really wanted white, but the paint color is so light, I don't know how well white will show up. I am going to get some white paint and paint the trim and see how I like the contrast, then decide. Sam's mom made a fun blanket for the baby, and then got him some other cute gifts. Its so fun that our families are SO excited too. I love enjoying this with them.

Last night was my family's temple party. Every year at Christmas time we go to the temple visitor center and watch the family movie and then walk around and see the lights, then go back to my mom's and have dinner. We usually do it with my mom's whole family, but this year it was just us. It was a lot of fun and I know my mom just loves going. Its nice to get together and just talk and eat and hang out. Its a really fun tradition.

Ali set a date on her wedding, March 30, 2013. We hopefully have a shower date too, March 2, 2013. My goal is to get most everything done for it in January so I don't have to worry if I start feeling awful later on. I really hope that I can have everything for the baby's room and for the shower COMPLETELY done by February. Its strange planning like that, but I feel like I kind of have to. I have no idea what the future will bring or how I will be feeling. I guess this is a good way to stop all my procrastinating huh.

{Week 20-- December 3, 2012}

Dear Baby:

You are getting pretty big in there. I think I can feel you move sometimes too! Its so fun to know that you're in there and wiggling around. We have started getting your room ready and I hope you like it. Its hard to know the things you will like once you get here. Your Grandma Sydney made you a cute blanket and got you some cute things to wear. We are so excited to use them with you once you get here.

We still don't have a name picked out for your for sure yet. I still really like the name Hudson, but your dad just is not sold on it. We also threw out the name Cash for you. I like that name too, just not as much as Hudson. Your dad wants to name you Ben now. He also thinks we should name you Ricky. I told him that your middle name is already Ricky, but he's still trying to make that you're first name. You talk to your Grandpa Ricky about naming you that, but I think he'll side with me and say that we need to have Ricky be your middle name. You let me know what he says.

I hope that you are loving hanging out with everyone in heaven, and that they are getting you all ready to come to our family here. You'll have to let us know how they're doing once you get here. Don't worry about missing them, we will show you lots of pictures of them once you get here. Make sure you tell them we love them though!

We are so excited for April and for you to come join our family. We can hardly wait to meet you.

Love you lots!

Love, Mom

Pregnancy is the strangest thing. All the changing hormones and constantly changing body, its like a new adventure every day, what am I going to wake up to today? Some of my least favorite thing are:

  • Breaking out like crazy, and not just on my face. Its on my neck, arms, legs, and shoulders. Its crazy.
  • Heartburn. I have NEVER had heartburn in my life before, but at night it feel like my throat is burning and my stomach is churning. 
  • Random side and weird little pains. Randomly my back will hurt or my side will hurt. Its funny when it hits because it kind of scares me, and then I remember I'm pregnant and its normal to have weird little things happen. 
  • Having to go to the bathroom all the time. Its just fun to have to go to the bathroom three times on a trip to the grocery store. :) 
  • Sore boobs. I know that's a little personal, but its crazy how bad they can hurt. 

Some of my most favorite things about being pregnant:
  • Watching my tummy grow. I love to wake up in the morning and see it get bigger and bigger. 
  • Feeling movement. This one crosses out all the negative things about pregnancy plus a few more. One of the coolest miracles ever. 
  • Going to my appointments and hearing the heart beat. It never ceases to amazing me when I hear it. 
  • Watching my body prepare for whats ahead- its one of the most amazing things, its like watching a miracle happen everyday, having no control over it, but getting to enjoy a front row seat. 

I have been doing really good as far as sickness and such goes. I still get pretty tired lately but all in all its not too bad. I feel really lucky so far, I hope that means the second half of my pregnancy is going to be really hard?? Cross your fingers for me. 

Well, here is the 20 week bump. Its getting pretty fun huh!? 


  1. 20 Weeks and still in normal clothes!!! That is just crazy! You look amazing and I love that you are still feeling amazing!

    1. I want to see pictures of you miss!! So excited for our little ones to be best friends!!
