Thursday, November 15, 2012

Introducing Baby Weldin {November 15, 2012}

We had the ultrasound this morning and things went SO WELL! It was such an amazing experience to be able to see our sweet little  baby. The ultrasound tech kept saying the whole time "You have a really active baby." Hahaha Sam said, "Yup, this baby has ADD!" Hahaha "It really didn't stand a chance to not be really active." haha The tech would try to take a picture and this little one would just wiggle and move around everywhere. Everything looked great. All the body parts are accounted for and the heart was still just pumping away like it should. We verified that there is in fact only one baby in there too.

When the tech was trying to check and see if this little one is a boy or a girl the baby stuck its hands between its legs and touched it's toes. Hahaha The tech, "Well, I guess we'll have to wait a minute til this one is ready for us to see." haha The baby kept showing us it's face though. After we had seen what we needed to, the baby decided it was tired of trying and crossed it's ankles and "sat down". We have an ultra sound picture of its little ankles crossed. So cute.

We are BEYOND excited that everything looks good and that there is plenty of room for this one to grow. The tech said that I have a front attached placenta and so that's why I haven't really felt the baby move too much, but I will more the stronger the baby gets. I do feel little twitches on my side, especially my right side and I am convinced this little one is kicking my side. The tech said that I would be able to feel kicks on the sides since the placenta is only in the front. So, I am going to just believe that's what I'm feeling :).

Here are a few of the pictures:

This is the legs crossed one! 

We know what we're having, but we are waiting to tell everyone until we can tell our parents in a fun way.

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