Saturday, March 1, 2014

The dog food incident {February 20, 2014}

We had a rough night last night, Hayes got up quite a few times and was pretty hard to get back to sleep. He's teething and running a fever at night and I think its also making his ears hurt. So, needless to say I am a pretty tired mama. This morning Hayes got up pretty early and was ready to be up for the day, so I took him in the living room spread out the toys and laid back on the couch for a minute. I watched him play and tried to rest up for another long day of teething and biting. I must have dozed off for a bit because I woke up to the sound of Gator's dog bowl hitting the floor. I looked over to find Hayes with two fists full of dog food, and Gator crouched in corner looking pretty upset. I rush over and get the food out of his clenched fists, and cleaned up, then to my horror, I realized there is something in his mouth. I swipe my finger through, and sure enough, I pull out a half eaten piece of dog food. I think this is actually the point Gator lost it. He cried a little and looked at me like "You're going to replace that right??!!" Hahaha Hayes was pretty mad I took away his "treats". I was horrified and felt terrible- first and foremost for sweet Gator feeling so upset Hayes jacked his food, and secondly that I let my 10 month old eat dog food.

I was so embarrassed and didn't tell anyone for a few hours.

After Sam got off work I told him about what had happened. He asked Hayes "Did you eat dog food today buddy?" Hayes didn't answer.. so then Sam asked him "Did you like the dog food?" Hayes answered this time with a very loud and enthusiastic "Ya!" We all laughed, except Gator, and lets be real, Hayes laughed but he really didn't know why. :)

I am pretty sure Gator is wants to live at my moms now.

(I didn't want to post this because I feel so terrible as a mom, but it is a pretty funny memory now) :)

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