Monday, March 17, 2014

Life Lately {March 17, 2014}

Life lately has been a little crazy. It seems like between work, family, Hayesie, and errands my days are one big blur. They go by so quickly, I swear nearly everyday I look up and its already 4 p.m. Certain days I really appreciate how fast time is going by, but most days I feel like I am falling behind or missing something. It's not my favorite thing.

Work is work. We are super busy and I am constantly bringing things home to do, then putting them off, and getting back to work even farther behind than when I left. I did good today and worked later and actually did a project I brought home. Progress. I am glad that things are so busy, and I am really glad to have a job that makes it possible for us to do the things we want to do, and that I can still stay home for a portion of the time with Hayesie. I try not to forget how lucky I am. In the same respect though, I work REALLY hard. I put a lot of time and energy into my work, and I do my best to always do a good job. I am grateful I got trained when I did, and that I actually learned what I was taught. That has really paid off for me, and I'm grateful for that.

Hayesie is a wild man lately. He is crawling all over the place and is getting SO fast! He is absolutely a handful now. I never realized how easy he was before. He is so silly lately. He is talking so much and loves when we laugh at him. He loves when we scare him or crawl around the room and chase him. He is such a thrill seeker. He LOVES his dad lately. Today when Sam was in the shower, Hayes left all his toys in the living room, crawled all the way across the house and sat in front of the bathroom door to wait for Sam to get done. He tried to squeeze his hands under the door and tried to bang on it to tell him to hurry. He was ecstatic when Sam finally came out. He also loves when Sam sits down and eats oatmeal with him in the morning. Its like its their time, and to be perfectly honest, I am so grateful for that time because Heaven knows I need those extra minutes to wake up in the morning.

Sam is as busy as ever at work, which is such a nice thing. He has started wakeboarding again, this just worsens the boat ache. He is desperate to get one and can hardly wait until its time. He spends 90% of his free time either looking at boats or trucks, another 5% telling me his plans for the boat, and the other 5% playing with Hayes. He has a one track mind- and he has his mind, heart, soul, etc set on getting a boat. I think if we don't get one soon, he may explode. (ok I am exaggerating, but you get my point). Sam has been doing such a great job taking care of our yard. We literally have the nicest yard on the block. Sam really prides himself on keeping it nice. I planted flowers in my pots and sewed some new pillows to go on my bench. Our talents combined outside for the cutest porch ever, if I do say so myself.

I have been spending a lot of time getting things planned and going for Hayes's birthday, Disneyland, and summertime. I hope things come together for Hayes's party- my next big task is invitations. I watched my friend's little boy one day last week. He was so good, and is such a smarty. He is almost exactly 1 year older than Hayes, and I'm not joking he knows all his letters, their sounds, colors, shapes, and numbers. It was fun to have him here, and I think it was really good for Hayes to see other kids doing kid things. I was completely exhausted by the end of the day and realized I need to find more things to do to entertain him. I really appreciated my job by the end of the day. I don't think I have ever come home that exhausted from work. Props to babysitters, that is not an easy job. He will be coming again this week for one day, and then I think next week.

I am super nervous/excited for Disneyland. I think I have made about a hundred lists of what to pack. I am most worried Hayes will get sunburned/ dehydrated. I have been trying to think of a bunch of different things we can do to shade him and keep him hydrated. Traveling with a baby is a lot more work than traveling with me and my sisters. I think Hayes is going to LOVE California.

We have been trying to go spend some good quality time outside while its actually nice and we can, before we know it it will be way too hot. We have loved to go walk around the lake, walk Chuckawalla, go to the park, and Town Square. Its so nice to get out with my family and enjoy the nice weather and area. We really live in the most beautiful part of the world.

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