Monday, March 18, 2013

35 Weeks {March 18, 2013}

We are down to one hand worth of weeks left before this guy should be here, that makes me incredibly excited and incredibly nervous. I keep waiting for time to start dragging on, but so far no such luck. I don't know if it was my vent post, the fact that the weather has been incredibly gorgeous, or maybe a combination of everything but I have been feeling so much better about things lately. I still feel pretty big, but not unbearable. I feel like I have a little bit more energy. I have been sleeping good at night. I have been able to drink enough water. I have walked every single day. Things just really seem to be doing pretty good at the moment, and I am SO grateful for that! (knock on wood).

I had a doctor appointment last week and things went really well. I am measuring right on track again. The baby's heart beat was really strong and good. I only gained a pound from the two weeks before. I got to meet with Lisa (she is the nurse practitioner) because my doc was out of town. I LOVE meeting with Lisa. She is one of my mom's friends and I have seen her since I started having a yearly exam. I feel so comfortable with her and she is so good to explain everything to me. She always tells me what is coming next, and I love that. I love leaving the doctor's office feeling excited and calm. She told me that starting at my next visit they will start doing "checks". I guess they check and can tell if you are making progress towards going into labor. I am pretty nervous about the "check" but I am excited to see if I am starting to make progress towards going into labor. She explained to me what contractions are and what they feel like, and apparently I have had some. They haven't been consistent or anything to worry about, but weird to know that I have had some and didn't even know it. 

I have had a lot of people ask me if I just so ready to have this baby. Every time I go walking one of my neighbor's asks me if I am trying to induce labor. I think its funny because I am honestly not ready for that yet. I am totally ok if he stays in there for a few more weeks (or 5). I am sure when I get to the end I and I am incredibly uncomfortable I will feel differently, but I really don't want to wish this time away. I want to be able to enjoy these last few weeks. Is that weird? 

Week 35 {March 18, 2013}

Dear Hayes:

The past few weeks you have been SO active! I absolutely love it (except when you kick my hip-- that kind of hurts). You love to get wild when I am at work. The other day I just laid back in my chair and watched you kick and punch for almost ten minutes. It seemed like you were having a pretty good time in there. You little party animal. 

I have decided I want to try and make you a few more blankets before you get here. I think I am just getting nervous about you coming and I need to distract myself. So, you lucky little guy, you are going to end up with all kinds of blankets and craft projects. (I am sure you could not care less about stuff like that, but I do). 

Gator is still loving on you quite a bit. He must know what a cool boy you are going to be and wants to make sure you know he gets dibs on being your best friend. (even though I am sure I will be your best friend :) haha). 

I started a piggy bank for you this week. You already have 5 dollars. I am hoping you will be a good little saver and you can take us all to Disneyland or somewhere fun when you are bigger. You already have a good little start. I'll save for Hawaii, and you save for Disneyland... deal?? 

We are getting SO excited to meet you. 

Love you! 

Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. doesnt it get old when everyone ask the same question over and over- :) 35 weeks, your almost full term (I had Ellie at 34 weeks and i was not ready) so I know that feeling of wanting them to stay in longer.
