Monday, March 11, 2013

34 Weeks {March 11, 2013}

The closer I get to having this baby, the more CRAZY dreams I have. In my dreams I always forget, or for some reason don't feed the baby. Its absolutely horrible. I think I am just so worried that I will sleep right through feeding times and the poor little thing will be starving. I guessing its pretty normal to worry about the whole process, its just funny the thing I worry most about is feeding this little guy.

I can hardly believe I have just about 5 weeks left. That's seriously no time at all. My body must be gearing up for all the sleep I'm going to miss, because I have seriously slept SO MUCH! My mom called me at 8 last night and I was in bed. Sad, I know.

I have been walking like a champion lately, and it really just makes me feel so much better. My stomach kind of hurts and tightens up when I walk for too long, so I have been breaking it up into pieces. I have walked every single day for the past week and half and for at least 45 minutes each day. Even though its not vigorous exercise, it makes me feel a little like I am back on my normal work out schedule, and that feels good. Emotionally, I need to work out. I started buying some new fun workout gear for after I have the baby to hopefully keep me motivated to keep up the walking until I can really get back into exercising. I have been eyeing some new running shoes too (since my current ones have about 400 miles on them). Yay for getting some exercise in, and for getting excited for more exercise.

Gator has been so sweet lately. I talk about him all the time, but he is just such a sweet little dog. Last night before bed I was laying doing watching TV and he came up and laid his head on my tummy. He LOVES to listen to the baby and to feel him move. Sam put his hand on my stomach while Gator was laying there, and Gator hit Sam's hand away. I could not stop laughing. I'm not sure if Gator wanted Sam to pet him, or to just wait his turn to feel the baby, but either way he did not want Sam's hand there. What a funny dog he is.

{Week 34 - March 11, 2013}

Dear Hayes:

I feel like you are getting so big in there. The other day you moved and my whole stomach moved too. My tracker says you are at least 5 pounds and somewhere between 19-21 inches. So hopefully you'll do a little more growing before you're ready to come.

It's a little crazy to think that we are going to officially meet you in a little over a month. We are so excited for that day. We went for a Sunday hike/walk yesterday and me and your dad were talking about all the things we want to make sure we do before you come, and the funny thing is, we had more fun things we want to do AFTER you get here than we do for before. I think both of us just know that everything in life gets so much better when we get to take you with us. We talked about taking you to Hawaii next spring. I am still pretty determined to go, and your dad seems to be on board too. I hope you are a water baby and just love it like we do.

I am a little scared for you to come. I know things are going to get so much better, but I still worry about you and how to protect you. I only want the best things for you. I hope that you have some really good friends that help you make the right choices. Life is so much easier if you try to make the right choice from the start.

Love you.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. such a cute baby bump- your dog is adorable! I so want a golden someday :) don't worry in the beginning you can either set an alarm for every 3 hrs if you have a sleepy baby or you will hear them cry- rarely did i sleep through any of my babies crying and if I did my hubby would wake up and then wake me up- so either way your baby will get fed just fine they are expert criers :)
