Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Dad's accident

A couple of weeks ago my Dad gave us a little scare. It was a Thursday night my mom called and said that my dad had an accident while taking a basketball team and asked if I would drive her to Cedar to my dad. I FREAKED OUT! I literally dropped everything and ran out the door. Luckily Sam is such a great dad and just took over everything with Hayes.

We didn't have much information and I was a mess on the way up. When I get nervous I talk non stop, and my poor mom just had to listen to me ramble the whole way. We got the ER and went back to see him. He had a pretty good little gash on his ear, and he did seem a little foggy. It was a relieve to see him.

What we think happened (which we still don't know for sure) He parked the bus and got out of the bus to go get a drink, when he got out he must have slipped and twisted his ankle and fell. When he fell, he hit his head on the corner of the curb and got knocked out. He must have come to enough to get himself back on the bus. He called Alyson and told her to come down and was pretty shaky and out of it. He was sitting on the bus, and was bleeding. He said he didn't know what happened, and had about 40 minutes he couldn't account for. Alyson was so good and knew just to get him down to the ER. Luckily, everything checked out and we took him home that night. He said he was pretty sore for a while after, but he seems to be doing good.

What a scary evening that was, and how grateful we are that things weren't worse.

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