Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Months {February 13, 2014}

Holy Moly! 10 months!! I am kind of freaking out right now. It seems like this year has gone by SO fast, but when I think about having Hayes, that seems like eternity ago. Crazy how that works.

Hayes is such a silly baby. Him and I don't always see eye to eye, but even with that he is such a joy to have in our family. He can be pretty silly and likes to bark at our dog (and even some people). He is SO happy. Its such a pick me up when I see him, because he always flashes me the BIGGEST smile, even if he's crying and throwing a fit. He has been struggling with crawling still. I'm not worried about it because he missed about a month with his cast, and he is having to adjust to using his leg without a cast. He can totally get up on all fours, and he can move his arms and legs, he just is having a hard time coordinating all the pieces together. He can crawl backwards like a champion, and he rolls and scoots to get every where he wants to go. Not crawling has not slowed him down. He loves to play with cars, blocks, and cookie cutters. He likes anything that plays music. Its amazing how much he loves music and singing. He will literally stop dead in his tracks when a song comes on the TV, or if a song he likes comes on my phone or Ipad. I still sing him songs in the car to calm him down when he is upset. He also loves smartie suckers. I bribe him with them to get into his car seat without throwing a fit. Oh, and speaking of car seats, he graduated from his carrier car seat, to a regular big boy car seat. Its huge.

Hayes Loves:
To pull handles (like on cabinets or drawers)
Spaghetti Ohs
Apple juice
Taking baths
Pulling wipes out of the box (unpacking anything really)

Hayes hates:
Getting into his car seat
Getting buckled up in everything (high chair, cart, seat, stroller)
Baby food
Reading books for too long
Sitting down when he tired (If he's tired he will FREAK out if you try to have him sit down)

Hayes says:
Grandpa (its actually AMAZING how good he says Grandpa)
Barking (he barks really well, haha)

Hayes has been doing MUCH better napping (knock on wood). He takes 2 naps a day that range anywhere from 1-2 hours. He is also sleeping good through the night (when we are at home in his own bed). He may wake up once or twice, but all in all its good. He wakes up SO HAPPY (unless he gets stuck in the corner, then he gets really mad). He will lay in his bed and talk to himself for 20-30 minutes. He calls everyone DADA in the morning. One day he called me DADA until I asked him he wanted to go to lunch with me, then he came around and called me MAMA again. Silly guy.

Dear Hayes:

You are such a silly boy. You are always trying to tease and play games with people. You love people. I have SO many random people come up to me and tell me how adorable you are, everyone loves your "baby hair" so much. Its pretty wild, but I would expect nothing less from you. I can't tell if you are going to be a mama's boy, because you LOVE your daddy. I think sometimes when your dad gets home, you are so done spending time with me, you can't wait to get into his arms. (I would be lying if I said I wasn't just as excited to see him too). I love being able to spend my days with you. Right now, I get all day on Tuesday, Wednesday mornings, and all day on Thursdays with you (plus Friday afternoons, but those feel like the weekend so that doesn't count). I LOVE having that time with you. I love to read you stories, and take Gator on walks to the park. I love to have lunch dates with you. I LOVE being your mama! Sometimes you give me kisses that literally melt my heart. It is the best thing in the entire world!

You are growing up so fast and I feel like I can barely keep up. You are SO curious. You love to look and try to touch everything. You are pretty consistently wearing 12-18mth clothes. I started buying you winter clothes for next year and I am buy 4T, sometimes when I see the clothes I have a hard time imaging you being that big. I love that you are growing up, but I hate it at the same time.

You make me a better person and you make me want to be even better. You bring out the best in me (even when I get frustrated because you dump my entire purse on the floor in Costco and then dump an entire container of gold fish when I bend down to pick up my purse.) :) I love you forever baby!

Love, Mom



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