Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear Hayes {October 1, 2013}

Dear Hayes:

Lately I have been feeling a little sad and disconnected. I have been having quite the pity party. When we go places I love that all the attention is on you, but I hate getting lost in everything. I think the straw that broke the camel's back, was when we were out seeing some people and we had been there for more than a half hour and someone said "Oh Kacee, I didn't even realize you were here. I guess I really didn't notice you. Well, that's what happens when you have a baby, you just aren't important any more." Um ouch.

I don't need a lot of attention, but I do still want to matter. So, I was pretty sad. As I sat in that room with all those people, feeling pretty crappy about myself, I noticed something. You never took your eyes off me. You never forgot I was there. I thought about it and your eyes were the only ones that mattered to me anyways. I think that our Heavenly Father set things up that way, a new mom gets lost to everyone else, but not to the most important person. How grateful I am for you and for you never forgetting me. You make me feel special and important and I owe you forever for that. Thank you for keeping your eyes on me. I promise I won't ever take my eyes off you. You will always be special and important to me. You are the only one that matters to me.

You bring so much joy and happiness to my life. I love you forever.

Love, Mom

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