Thursday, October 10, 2013

6 Months {October 13, 2013}

This boy is quite the character. I love learning all the new things about him. Here are a few of the things I have learned lately:

- He thinks is SO funny when people sneeze. (But doesn't like it if you laugh when he does)
- He has yet to sleep in his crib through the night. I think its because he HATES being alone. He did however, take a nap there, and I have hope that its just the beginning.
- He loves to be around people and when people tell him he's cute.
- He loves when we lift him in the air and say "Super baby"- he laughs every time
- He liked rice cereal at first, but HATES it now. He even gags when we put the spoon to his mouth.
- He is almost sitting up.
- He rolls from his tummy to his back really well now.
- His red bird and the music box are his favorite toys.
- He really likes his bouncer now.
- He tolerates his swing.
- He says "Dadada" and "Mamamama" Sam and I are both so proud.
- He growing lots more hair, for a little while we thought it was red, but have decided its not red but pretty blonde and brown.
- He is seriously the whitest baby ever.
- He rides in his stroller without his car seat now, and he really likes it. He falls asleep almost every time we walk.
- He is the happiest baby ever 

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