Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hayes is a week old! {April 20, 2013}

Today our sweet boy is a week old. In some ways it feels like he's been here forever and in other ways it feels like he just got here. There are so many things we are learning about him.
- He has really big hands and feet and his fingers are SO long! (His feet don't fit into newborn shoes)
- He has a crooked toe ( just like Ash and Sam)
- He loves to snuggle
- He gets the hiccups a lot
- He LOVES his mama (almost as much as I love him)
- He loves his dad and recognizes his voice.
-He is pretty calm and only cries when he needs something.
- He will roll onto his side if you lay him down to sleep
- He likes to be wrapped really tight in a blanket to sleep.
- He is starting to get the nursing thing down really well ( and I am getting better too)
-He is really strong and can hold back pretty good when we try to put his mittens on.
-He crosses his ankles like we saw him do in the ultrasounds
- He loves to put his hands under his chin and to lay on my chest. He does it after every time he eats.
- He fits into newborn clothes but we only have a few so he gets to wear really baggy 0-3 mth old clothes.
-He has a dimple on his chin
- He wiggles a lot and makes a lot of noise when he sleeps
-He looks adorable in hats!
-He doesn't mind Gator trying to check him out and doesn't even really get startled when he barks.
- We have to wake him up to eat and he eats about every 3 to 3 and a half hours.
- I think he looks like he's getting more hair.
- He looks just like Sam- except with my nose and mouth.
- He LOVES to be held.
- He likes his crib
- He is so chill and relaxed in the morning.
- He is mesmerized by the sound of the washing machine.
- He likes to have his head washed.
- He is so sweet!

We are so in love with this little guy!

1 comment:

  1. He's so cute!!!! I already love him! Can't wait to meet him!!!
