Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dog Drama {April 7, 2013}

Lately we have had some "dog drama" in our neighborhood. It all started about 2 months ago. Our neighbor was walking with their dog, but didn't have him on a leash. They walked by our house at the same time that Gator and I were getting ready to go for our walk (however Gator was on a leash). Their dog bolted for us as soon as he saw us and started attacking Gator. Gator obviously fought back and a full blown dog fight erupted  with me in the middle of it. I yelled at the lady to get her dog, and tried to pull Gator back. Luckily, after a few minutes she finally kicked the dog away and got him on his leash. She however dropped the leash and the dog attacked again. This time it was much shorter and less intense. It was horrible though. I was so upset and mad at her for being so careless. I got a scratch on my leg, but ultimately we just let the whole thing drop. I was mad, but not irrational, I realize these things just happen sometimes.

Well, on Sunday we had another incident. This same dog, with the same lady was out in the neighborhood (not on a leash again) when we were just getting home from our walk. We were literally a block away from our house when this same dog came charging at us again. The same lady standing by with leash in hand- but without her dog on it. I saw the dog coming and yelled for it to stay back. I picked up a good size rock and threw it at the dog- but seriously nothing would deter it from coming. He literally launched at us this time. I again  was screaming at the lady to grab her dog- her again standing by not really doing anything. Luckily another neighbor was close by and came to help. He kicked the dog again and tried to create a barrier between us and the dog so the lady could get him on his leash. Again, after she got him on the leash- she dropped it and the attacked started again. This time I yelled at her. I was shaking and crying yelling at her to keep her dog on a leash and that this was now the second time we had been attacked by her dog-- and because of her carelessness. I was SO upset. This time that dog had got my hand. I had a tiny bit of blood, but the mark was mostly just red and bruised. I think one of his little teeth just caught it, he didn't actually bit down on me.

After we got home, we decided we needed to go talk to these neighbors and find out if their dog had been vaccinated and to try and resolve the problems we had been having. We headed straight over there, but they wouldn't open the door and talk to us. This made me even more upset, so I reported the attack to the police. I felt awful for doing it and for making such a big deal, but I hate feeling like I can't walk around my neighborhood without getting attacked by a dog. Plus, there was really no other way to find out if the dog had its rabies shots.

The report was filed and the police officer talked to the neighbors. They got cited for letting their dog out without a leash and the whole thing was going to be over, or so I thought. The next day I got a call from animal control. They let me know that the neighbor had brought the dog in and paid for it to get put down. I felt HORRIBLE. I did not intend for the dog to die over this incident- I just wanted the neighbor to always keep him on a leash and to let us know that it had its rabies shots. I am so sad that this dog is going to die because I called the police on it. The only thing I have to think is that maybe this dog really is vicious and that the lady really just can't handle it. I hate the it turned into such a big deal. The dog lover in me is devastated  but the future mom in me can't help but breathe a little easier knowing that dog won't attack us when we are out walking with Hayes. I can't imagine how pissed I would be if I was out walking with my new baby and that dog tried to attack us again. I can't even imagine how awful that would be.

After that attack I went and got some mace to hopefully deter other dog attacks in the future.
 Dog drama is the worst.

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