Monday, February 11, 2013

30 Things- #22

22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

5 years- I will be 30. I hope that I have the cutest sweetest little 5 year old boy, and maybe another one. I want to have at least 1 of my bachelors degrees completed, hopefully both of them. I would love it if there was a way that I could be started on my master program. I will probably still be working as a paralegal in some facet. I hope that I have run at least 1 or 2 more marathons. I also hope that we have taken some pretty fun family vacations. 

10 years- I will be 35. I want to have a master degree. I will hopefully be done having kids and a really sweet 10 year old little boy. (maybe two more kids, but we'll see about that). I hope that our house is almost paid for by then. I hope that I am working in nutrition in some way, and wouldn't mind it if I was still doing some paralegal work on the side. I hope that I get to spend time with my kids and be home with them most of the time. I hope that everyone is happy and healthy. 

15 years- I will be 40. Weird. I hope that I am happy, settled and feeling successful in nutrition, event planning, paralegal work, and whatever else I am interested in. I hope that my kids are happy and healthy (and weird to think this little guy will be learning to drive). I hope that me and Sam get to travel some more and that we get to take our family some fun places. I hope our house is pretty much paid off and that we are building or living in our new one. I hope that my family is all healthy and happy and that we get to spend a lot of time together. I also don't think I would mind going back to school around this time and learning something new or getting a new degree of some kind. 

All in all I hope that my family is happy and healthy and that we are close and have great time together. 

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