Thursday, October 23, 2014

Comparison {Thoughts I've had lately}

Sam and I have a fun thing we do every once in a while where we drive to Beaver Dam and buy lottery tickets and then spend the whole drive down and the whole drive back talking about what we'd do if we ever won or the things we would never do if we won. We don't take it too seriously, but its fun to dream and talk about things. To be honest, I think every couple dating should play this game because it is very telling about people. So, ask someone to really tell you what they would do with 110 million dollars, and then maybe it will give you a little insight into how they'd spend 10 dollars, or a 100 dollars, or a 1000 dollars. 

Anyways, we talked about things and it got me thinking about this quote "Comparison is the thief of joy." I was really so glad when we were almost home and we both said, really, everything we would want we have, and if we got that much money we may want bigger, new, better versions of the same thing we already have. That hit me pretty hard, that I literally have everything I could ever want already, and I didn't need to win gobs of money to get it. I have had some pretty big "Ah ha!" moments lately. When I was younger I really thought I needed so much stuff. I wanted multiple houses and multiple cars and the best of everything and the biggest best house. I seriously thought I wanted to just have so much money and so many things. Since I've gotten older I've realized that things and stuff equals clutter and chaos and I hate clutter and chaos. Even when we were talking about having more money than we would ever know what to do with, my thought was, well, our house is fine. I like our house. My car is great, maybe I'd need something bigger for more kids, but I'd probably keep my car, because I don't need a new one. 

Such a different thought process than I have ever had. It was nice to see that. It was nice to realize I don't care about living in the "right" area or driving the best car or whatever. All of that really seems incredibly exhausting to me. I look at so many people and think that they spend so much time and so much money to impress people. But who are they impressing? Do they really even care about who they are trying to impress? I heard a saying once that was something like "We spend so much time and money trying to impress people we don't even really like, and Why?" Why do we do that? I know I'm not perfect, but I can honestly say I'm very content in my life right now. I don't need what my neighbor has, and in fact, I don't want it. I am perfectly happy loving my family and doing the things that make me happy. One more quote that I need to put up in my house (along with the one below) is "Always be too busy loving the people that love you, that you don't have time to worry about anything else." 

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