Sunday, January 5, 2014

Broken leg {December 27, 2013}

It started out like any other day off. Hayesie and I were getting ready and headed out the door. We had LOTS of errands to do and Hayes was particularly happy today. I set him down on the bed so I could put my shirt on. I turned around and grabbed, then turned back around just in time to see him roll from his tummy, onto his back, and off the bed. I ran over and grabbed him. I think the fall scared us both pretty bad and we both started crying. I felt TERRIBLE! He was hysterical for awhile, then calmed down, but never stopped crying. I could tell he was in pain, but I wasn't sure if it was more out of fear from falling or if something was really wrong.
We sat and I tried to nurse him, and he would just FREAK out if I moved him at all. I decided to try and get him in the bath (he LOVES the bath) and I was hoping I could distract him from the accident and get him to calm down. It didn't help. He was crying and I could tell he was hurting. I got him dressed and just held him and rocked him. He fell asleep, but woke up screaming crying if I moved him even a little.
I called Sam and told him what happened, but hoped that he was going to be ok, and that he was sleeping. Sam was pretty worried, but was happy he was sleeping now. I called my mom and talked to her about it too. They were headed to Cedar and said they would check back in with us when they got home. Well, since my mom is really so in tune with things, they decided to come over and check on us before they left. When they got to the house Hayes and I were both sitting on the couch crying. My dad took Hayes, and held him. They both said he just wasn't acting right and that I should call my doc.
I called the doc and they really were not helpful at all. They told me they couldn't get me in for about 4 hours and then got back on the phone and said they actually couldn't help me at all and that I just needed to go to the ER. I hung up and we started getting ready to go. My dad gave Hayes a blessing and I bawled my eyes out. I just felt so sad that he was hurting and that I didn't know what was wrong. He was so sweet and I just felt so helpless.
We headed to the ER and Sam met us there. They took us right back into triage and the nurse said she thought it was his leg. We headed back to the waiting room and waited for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, they called us back and we saw the doc. They talked to us for a little bit, then she asked me to lay Hayes down on the bed. The second I laid him down, he went ballistic! I have never seen anyone scream like that, it was the most horrific thing. I think it scared the doc too. She immediately got him strapped to a "papoose" or a baby back board. She said they need to do a full body CT scan, and that she didn't want him to move until they got the result back. They came in to the room to get an IV started and take his blood. Sam and I both had to leave the room for that. Sam was an absolute wreck. I have never seem him so upset. He cried a lot. I felt so torn because I couldn't help both him and Hayes, and unfortunately for Sam I stayed by Hayes's side, so there was no one to comfort him. He is so sympathetic, that he become empathetic and physically just hurt for Hayes. It was incredibly sweet, but also kind of scary because he was so upset.
The CT scan was pretty awful. I sang him primary songs the whole time. I have a terrible voice, but it was all I could think of to comfort him. He was terrified during the CT scan. Even after the scan was over, we couldn't take him out of the papoose. It was probably another hour before we heard back that the CT was clear and could pick him up. I took him out and nursed him for more than a half an hour. We were so relieved and grateful that the CT was clear. The only problem was that he was still in a lot of pain. The doc said a few different options they were considering, none of which we were very happy about. She decided to call Primary Children's and just see what they thought.
She came back in and said she would like to X ray his legs, and then go from there. So, that's what we did, and sure enough, the first X-ray should the crack in his leg. A friend of mine was the X-ray tech. I was SO glad to see a familiar face and she was so sweet and comforting to us. What a blessing that was. Once they saw the break they called the orthopedic to come see him and assess whether or not they could just cast him or if he would need surgery. After another hour or so the orthopedic came in and said that he was just going to cast it. They got the cast on, and you could tell Hayes instantly felt better.
The whole day after the fall, was pretty terrible. We were in the ER for about 8 hours and I hope we never have to go back there again.
I am so grateful for my family. They stayed at the hospital with us the whole time and were so supportive and sweet. I know we wouldn't have made it through the day without them. My dad stayed with Sam when he was struggling so much, and my mom stayed with me. Ash came and Hayes was so happy to see her.
Hayes is getting around really well on his cast, and is actually closer to crawling with the cast than he was without it. He is such a trooper. We are so grateful he is going to be ok.

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