Saturday, January 25, 2014

9 Months {January 13, 2014}

I can't believe it, another month is gone and my baby is 9 months old! What a crazy whirlwind its been, and the best 9 months of my entire life. I would be lying if I said he wasn't a lot of work, or if I said we didn't have hard days, but to be honest, even the hardest day with Hayes is 100 times better than the best day without him. He is such a sweet heart. He is spunky and curious. He is loud and silly. He is shy. He lights up every room and draws attention from perfect strangers with his contagious smile.

Some of my favorite things about Hayes right now:

He is a big scaredy cat. He is scared of the vacuum, toilets, and public restrooms. He FREAKS if we are in the bath room somewhere and someone flushes the toilet. He freaks when I turn the vacuum on- unless of course I let him push it, then its the best thing in the whole world.

He love balloons.

He loves to watch Gator.

He LOVES to eat. He is sick of baby food and I basically have to force it down his throat, but he loves regular food. His favorite things are spaghetti oh's, beans, bread, avocados, berries, water, gold fish, and nilla wafers.

At his appointment he weighed 20.5 pounds and was 28 inches long. (both 50%) his head however, measures in the 90% percentile.

He hasn't wore jeans or regular pants since he broke his leg, and I kind of miss him being in jeans (weird, I know).

He yells at people (aka Me) when he gets mad.

He has started to sing a long with me when I sing to him in the car (90% of the time I have to sing primary songs to him while we are in the car or he screams his guts out).

He's a blanket boy

He loves the ring toy and to put blocks in bucket and take them out.

He likes to go to the park and play on the grass- he is scared of slide.

He laughs at me when I wear sunglasses or hats.

Sam always goes and gets Hayes's gray hat when Sam has his gray hat on- and Hayes LOVES that.

He likes books- sometimes. He still loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and A touch a feel book about animals.

He loves to pinch everything.

He has turned into quite a biter.

Dear Hayes:

When you broke your leg and we were in the ER, it was one of the scariest things of my entire life. The thought of you hurting or having a serious problem was overwhelming and hurt a part of my heart I have never hurt before. Its like having you and loving you has opened up a new part of my heart and I am now open to a whole new world of fear, worry, and the deepest love I have ever known.

You bring so much light into my life. Taking care of you is one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it is so rewarding. I love to pick you up in the morning and I love to rock you to sleep at night.  You make me so happy and I love you for all the joy you have brought into my life. I love you and your sweet smile. I love you and your wild hair. I love you and your pinching fingers. I love you and I can't wait to see who you become!

I love you forever! 
Love, Mom 


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