Friday, May 29, 2015

Update on my Hayesie Boy

Here is what Hayes has been up to lately:

1- The way he runs- he has the BEST run ever. He his really bouncy and full of energy and his run is the epitome of who he is.

2- All of the words he say, my most favorite right now are "Kacee" "Crazy" Ketchup" and "Gator"

3- He loves to go walking and has started wanting me to let him out to run on his own.

4- He love treats!

5- He is sleeping really well in his own bed and I love that he loves to be so grown up.

6- He likes to eat up to the counter on the stools, and gets kind of offended when I make him sit in his highchair.

7- He responses really well to time-outs, I'm hoping their working.

8- He is turning into more of a picky eater.

9- He loves the water. He asks to go to "Ashie's" all the time. We drove on the parkway by her house and he was freaking out and point towards her house and yelling "Ashie Ashie! Water water!"

10- He's not that interested in babies or kids smaller than him, he does however, love the older kids.

11- I can't decide if he is a mama's boy, or a daddy's boy. He likes us both, just at different times.

12- His smile is the sweetest thing in this world.

13- He's very independent.

14- He's started coloring on walls.

15- He can count to 5, but rarely does it on command.

16- He's started to say "Later" instead of "Bye"

17- He still gets upset if Sam takes his hat off, he will instantly grab it and make sure he puts it back on.

18- He knows when I put my work out clothes on that means we're going for a walk- he gets VERY upset if I try to go to the gym instead.

19- He still gets upset when people make messes on TV.

20- He throws things, and throws his body around when he's upset.

21- He throws A LOT of temper tantrums

22- Even with all the tantrum throwing, I still think he's the sweetest boy.

23- He doesn't like when people cry ( Or babies, he told Sebastian to "Stop it" when he was crying)

24- He usually asks for "Croods" and a "treat" when he first wakes up in the morning.

25- He likes to pinch and can even pinch with his toes

26- Any time he gets to do something he usually can't or isn't suppose to he yells "Yay!!" For example, when he climbed out of his crib he yelled "Yay" that's how we knew he got out.

27- He still likes books, but struggles to be read to right now. He mostly wants to look through them himself.

28- He knows every character on Curious George, and when the opening song comes on, he will yell their names. "Squirrel" "Duck" "Charkie" "Hundley" "George" and he LOVES when he sees the kite, he will yell really loud "Kite Kite!!!"

29- He calls grandmas "Grandpies", I think he's meaning "Grammy", but when he says "Grandpa" its distinctly different.

30- He loves lemonade- especially with ice.

31- He calls Ice Cream "Ice Ice". We have a book about trucks and he only wants to find the page about the "Ice Cream Truck"

32- He spits out the peel of the apple in little tiny pieces, but he still wants you to give him a whole apple to eat.

33- He loves to play with my lipsticks.

34- Whenever he finds one of my bras, he wears it around his neck like a necklace.

35- He takes  his shoes and socks off every time he gets in the car.

I need to do this more often because I know there are funny/cute/adorable/silly/amazing things that he does that I will want to remember. It seems like every day he does something new or funny. I know I always write this, but it's just because it's so true, but I love that kid more than anything ever and I feel eternally grateful to be his mama. Being a mom, and not just any mom, but Hayes's mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me, ever.

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