Monday, May 18, 2015

Hayes Lately

I can't believe how much Hayes is growing up. He just seems to learn or do something new every single day. I couldn't even begin to list all of the words that he knows now, but some of my favorites are:

"Watermelon"- he says it more like "Whataaaha" but it does sound distinctly different than when he just says "Water"
"Gator" - Gator is VERY clear now and he will say "Stay Gator" or "No no Gator" or "Go Gator" he doesn't like when Gator runs off or gets too wild and will try to yell at him or calm him down.
"Kacee!!" - Oh my goodness he just started saying this and it is the funniest thing ever! He usually yells "Kacee Kacee Towel Towel" - I'm sure you can guess where he's heard that.
"Towel" is another funny one- its very enunciated like Tao-LL!
"Outside and Inside"- He is very clear about where he wants to be
"BYE"- He YELLS bye when we leave somewhere and will yell it over and over and over again. The other funny thing he does is yells "Bye Gator" to everyone. I think because I always tell him to say bye to Gator when we leave.
"Grandma" he calls both of his grandmas "Grandpees" you would think it was more like Grandpa, but Grandpa is pretty dang clear, I think he's trying to say "Grammy" its really funny.
"Stroller" he calls it a "Trolla" and I seriously can't say no.

Hayes has always been a pretty good eater, but lately he hasn't been at all. I think its from being sick back to back there. But he LOVES watermelon right now. He has always loved all kinds of fruit. He has been drinking more milk lately too, I can't tell if it's because I offer it more or if I am offering it more because he's actually drinking it. His all time favorite is still mac and cheese. He also loves pizza, meat balls, beans, rice, peas, chicken, and grape juice. He LOVES candy, popcorn, and chocolate.

He is growing like a weed. I have officially had to store anything smaller than a 3T. He's not quite big enough for 4T yet. He is wearing about a 7-7.5 shoe, but it's different for every brand. I bought a bunch of winter clothes in 4T and I was worried about the size, but I think they will totally fit him by Fall/Winter time, which seems SO crazy!

When he went to his 2 year old check up he was SO wild, it was awful. The nurse made me feel better though and said that this was a pretty typical two year old check up. He can get so crazy and throws the most epic tantrums, its amazing really. Just before we went to his check up he woke up from a nap, he woke up crying, which is never a good sign. This wake up was particularly crazy though. He was HYSTERICAL!! I have never seen him act like that. He literally could not get control of himself. He almost seemed possessed (is that bad to say?) It scared me so bad. I was no lie crying my eyes out I was so scared. I literally thought he was having a seizure. I scooped him up, kicking and screaming and scratching and yelling and throwing his arms around and fought him into his carseat. I figured that the best place to take him was to the doctor, and we needed to get him to his appointment anyways. When we got there he had started to calm down. I fully thought he was having a major issue and half way thought we may end up spending some time at the hospital, it was that crazy. After we got back to see the doctor and had our normal talk, I told him about what had happened. At this point, Hayes was acting WAY more normal and didn't show any signs of that madness that we had just witnesses, I on the other hand looked like I had seen a ghost and got in a fight all at the same time. I was a hot mess. The doctor did not seem worried AT ALL. He talked to me about a few different scenarios, all of which were normal two year old things. I was SHOCKED, relieved, but shocked. I just couldn't comprehend that my sweet Hayesie was consciously capable of  throwing a fit of that proportion and not have something be wrong. It was relieving, but I still feel like I am walking on egg shells waiting for another one of "those" ones to strike again. I just pray it doesn't happen in Target. that's my safe space, you know?

Aside from the wild tantrums, Hayes is also very sweet. He comes running up and hugs me every time I pick him up from Grandma's house. Once I get there, he turns to them and says "BYE BYE!" He knows it's time to go home, and I LOVE that he wants to. He loves to read books, play with play dough, and he is liking coloring more. He LOVES to throw balls and to play outside. His new favorite thing is to have the bubble machine blowing out back while he plays, it's like he knows it sets the perfect mood of what childhood should be. He is still obsessed with balloons and sidewalk chalk. He asks to go for a walk in his "trolla" all the time. He loves water. The other day he found his life jacket and took it to Sam. He asked him to put it on him and then when it was on yelled "Water Water!" Sam's dad heart literally burst. He's also really sweet at giving kisses and hugs.

Lately, Hayes has struggled more to sleep all the way through the night. Sometimes he can, but a lot of times he wakes up at least once in the night and needs to be consoled. I am really hoping this is just a phase, because man, it's exhausting.

All in all, this Hayesie Boy of ours is one in a million. We love him more than I could ever put into words. He literally makes life worth living. I am so lucky to be his mama, and I thank my Heavenly Father daily for sending him to me. Being a mama is the best thing in the whole world, and being Hayesie's mama is just that much better. I love watching him grow and learn and I can hardly wait to see what new things he'll learn and who we will grow up to become. Being a parent is something else I tell ya.

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