Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Funny things Hayes does

Hayes is quite the character. He is very strong willed and has his own way of doing things. He is full force into the terrible twos (even though he isn't quite two yet). I have been working with him so much on using his words because I know once he is better able to communicate, things will be much better. I know that once he can explain to me "Mom, I want to go around my high chair a few times before I get in it." we will have much smoother days. I just don't know all the quirky little things he wants to do, so he gets frustrated with me. (and vice verse) 

Lately he has LOVED to lay on our bed. For the longest time after he fell off and broke he leg, I wouldn't let him even hardly sit on the bed, but the bigger he gets, the better able he is to get on and off by himself. I am sure partially he loves it because it has been so off limits, but that kid could sit on my bed for hours and watch George (if I would let him). He rolls around and sits and lays and just thinks its great. I try to talk to him and he'll say "Night night!" hahhaha, I think that's Hayes for be quite and leave me a lone. haha

The other funny thing Hayes has started doing is FREAKING out when Sam leaves in the truck without him. He absolutely hates when Sam goes without him and has throw some pretty epic fits because of it. It's so sad that he gets so upset, but it's funny because of how extreme it is. This is what happened when Sam backed out of the drive way and pulled his truck on to the street. Pure chaos ensued because Sam had the nerve to do that without Hayes. It's rough being a toddler. 

The last funny thing he's done lately is ask to go in his bed and watch George. This past week we were getting ready to go take him over to Sam's mom's house and for me to go work. We had breakfast and got dressed and I was taking Hayes out to the car. When I tried to put him in the car he went crazy and would not let me put him in. He was crying and screaming and I seriously couldn't fight him. I asked him if he wanted to go back into the house, and he answered "YA!!!" So I took him back in the house and explained to him that we needed to go, he started crying again and said "Night Night!" I asked him if he wanted to go back into his bed "YA!" again. So, I took him and put him in his bed and he was happy. He asked for George, and literally was so content. I felt terrible that I was forcing him to leave when all he wanted to do was stay home and watch a show in his bed. Luckily, Sydney was able to come over to our house and play with him there for a little while until he was ready to leave. 

I realize giving in to him and his funny requests isn't always productive, but I've been there. Sometimes you really just want to be home and watching a show in your bed. (this was also a Monday mind you). So believe me, I got it. I just laughed because it's fun to see his personality and likes and dislikes come out. It's fun to see he has a lot of my same traits, and it's mind blowing to realize that he's not just a baby, but a person that sometimes wants to just go back to bed and watch his favorite movie. Kids are something else I tell you. I worry about him and about teaching him, but as long as he stays as stubborn about his beliefs and what's right as he does about watching George, then I think he will be just fine. 

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