Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The tree

I wish I had more pictures of what Hayes thought and did with the Christmas tree. He loved it so much. He would play around it, take all the ornaments off it, run around it, sit by it, and literally just tear it to pieces every day. Anyone that would come over he would run into the front room and point out the tree to them. I am sure he was very confused at why we had a real tree inside our house and why it was covered in lights and sparkly things and balls. I am sure it was confusing and amazing all at the same time.

This year I was pretty insistent that we have a real tree. I think every little kid should have at least one real tree in their life. Next year, its fake though. It was so fun and smelled so good, but may was it messy. 

I am fairly positive Hayes's favorite part of Christmas was a tie between the lights and the tree. 

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