Friday, June 13, 2014

14 Months {June 13, 2014}

So, I have a little confession to make, I have been telling SO many people that Hayes is actually 15 months and then I realized he was only turning 14 months! What's wrong with me!?? I would never wish that precious month away, but now its like I gained a month, so that's cool.

Hayes has been keeping us pretty busy. He hasn't officially started walking, but loves to push his shopping cart around. He can pull himself up and walk along the furniture, but hasn't made the jump to walking on his own yet. He says a lot of words, I don't know I could even list out everything he says, but I'll try:

There are more, I just can't think of them right now. He will repeat a lot of the words we say. He says "What?" ALOT! 

He still loves music and dancing and can tell the difference between good and bad singers. 

He loves to pack and up pack things. He sleeps well at night and only takes a nap for me in the car.  Apparently when he is at Grandma's or Ash's he sleeps pretty good for them though. 

Hayes is so happy and we just love him.

14 months

Dear Hayes:

You just get more and more fun everyday. I love showing you new things and having you experience new adventures. You make everything more exciting and fun. You are the happiest in the mornings and you are helping me have a better attitude when I wake up. One of my favorite things still is getting you out of bed in the mornings. 

Sometimes you get really made at me and you have the start to a pretty epic temper tantrum. I hope I'm not setting myself up for a lot of problems, but right now I think its pretty funny. I'm hopeful that it won't last (at least your part). You are the best blonde hair and people comment on it where ever we go. They always say "Oh my goodness, he's so blonde and adorable!" and you give them the cheesiest smile. I usually just smile and say, "Ya, we are pretty lucky to have such a sweetie pie!" You love when I say that, and I love that it's so true. 

I love taking you to the mountain and exploring. Going to the mountain was such a great time for me when I was little, and I hope you love it as much as I do. One of the last times we went you got bit by an ant though, which wasn't fun. I guess you need to start walking more so that doesn't happen. I have big plans for you Hayesie Waysie. I want to take you to so many places and show you so many amazing things this world has to offer. It seems like the need for adventure is something you and I both have in common. 

I love being your mama and seeing all the fun things you do and I especially love seeing your personality more and more. You are the light of my life, and I love you forever. 


Yes, he is throwing a fit in the last picture. Sometimes you have to document those things too! 

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