Sunday, June 29, 2014

The weekend June 28-29

Our anniversary was on June 28th, we celebrated 6 years! I can't hardly believe that we've been married that long. It seems so crazy. I don't feel old enough for that. To celebrate, we decided that we would have a family weekend. My mom's family already had plans to go up to Veyo and swim on Saturday, so we went up and swam and ate fried food and loved every minute of it. Going to Veyo with my mom's family was a favorite childhood memory and I am so excited that Hayes gets to experience it too!

After Veyo Hayes was pretty tired so we ordered in Benjas and brought it home. It was perfect. It was so fun to be out in the sun and playing and then to be home. I swear, the older I get the more I like to be home. Its weird because I have never been a home body, but now, I really like it. 

On Sunday, my aunt DeAnn was talking in Stake Conference so we went over a listened to her speak. She did a great job and talked about that you have to take care of your spiritual well being before you can lead your children. I think if it like when you are on a plane, when the oxygen levels drop and the masks come down, you are suppose to put yours on before you help someone else. You can't help someone else if you're drowning, you know. She did a really good job, and it was something I think I really needed to hear. 

After church, we headed up the mountain again. I had such a great experience up there the week before, and I was almost jonesing for another great experience. We went up this time with Al's kids, Ash, mom, dad, me, Sam, Hayes and Gator. It was a different experience, but still brought so much peace and contentment to me. I feel like that mountain has a lot of insight waiting to be found. I feel close to my family up there, I feel like I am giving Hayes a great experience up there, and I feel good about myself there. It's strange really that a mountain can do that to you, but it totally does. We had a picnic and played and hiked and just enjoyed ourselves. It was everything I hoped it would be. 

I really am so grateful that Sam and I got married 6 years ago. I am so glad to have this angel in our life and that we get to be parents together. I am grateful for all of the struggles and hard times we have had together. I think they have only made us stronger, closer, and better people. I am excited to continue to build a life with Sam and to have a family. I am excited to see what our future holds and to see what we can accomplish together. I am hopeful that we have a lot of great things ahead of us. 

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