Friday, June 26, 2015


I was telling a client the other day that life seems to be speeding up for me, I swear I look up and all of the sudden it's Friday again. I don't ever remember life going by this fast, and in fact, I remember working at my old office and feeling like the days and weeks just DRAGGED on forever. So, it must be me that's changed.

Life has been going pretty good here. We work and play and go to bed and wake up and do it all over again. It seems monotonous, but I really do enjoy my time home with Hayes. I have been debating more and more staying home full time and not working at all, but I remain on the fence. I know I appreciate my time at home, but part of me wonders if it's because I still work, and I don't want to not appreciate it. I want to soak in each day and to never take it for granted. I don't ever want to quit enjoying my days home, and part of me thinks that working has made that happen. I also worry about the financial side of things. I have gone back and forth so much that I can't decide what to do. I think their are pros and cons of both sides.

Sam has been working so hard lately. Summers really are so brutal for him. He's a trooper though and stays at it day after day. I'm glad he is such a hard worker, and I hope he can show and teach Hayes that great characteristic.

Hayes and I have started doing some school time in the mornings. He is doing really well with it and I like that I can see him learning things and helping him. He is learning to sit still and to do different tasks. I like teaching him, but I can also see the need for school. It scares me a bit that school isn't that far off for him. I seriously get teary eyed just thinking about him being in school all day. I hate the thought of sending him somewhere all day and not seeing him and him needing me less. It scares me and makes me so happy for him at the same time. Those conflicting emotions seem like the theme of parenting.

We have them coming to install our new solar panels next month. I'm excited about that. I think that's pretty much it.

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