Friday, August 30, 2013

A birthday fit for Gator

For Gator's birthday we took a picnic of In N Out to Quail and let him swim to his heart's content. It was Hayes's first time at the lake and in the water, and he absolutely loved it. When his toes hit the water he laughed. I thought Sam might explode with happiness. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful little family!! Thanks for being born Gator!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gator-licious {August 29, 2013}

Today is my sweet little Gator's birthday and he is four. I love this dog like I gave birth to him myself. He brings so much joy and love to our family. We feel so lucky to have him!

We love you Gatorlicious!

Its just a bad day {August 28, 2013}

I feel like being a working mama is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I know that working is something that is so good for me, for so many reasons more than just financially. I need to work at least to a certain point. Well, today was just a hard day. My sweet Hayes did not take one nap and spent most of the day crying, yelling, or eating. He was not content and I literally didn't get half of my work done because I spent all my time trying to keep him somewhat quiet so the rest of my office could function, and doing a poor job at that. I spilled on my dress, and I was literally sweating and looking like a hot mess trying to balance the whole thing. I was a disaster to say the least. I called Sam crying and begging him to come pick up Hayes so I could at least get something done and keep my sanity. It was the longest half hour of my life waiting for Sam to get to my office. I felt frustrated with Hayes, and disappointed in myself for not being able to handle it better. On days like today I feel myself over-reacting and saying things like "I feel like a horrible mom" or " I just can't keep doing this." I feel myself starting to spiral down, and its not only depressing, but scary. I don't want to be the "Debbie Downer" or anything, but I also don't claim to be "Super mom" ether. So, where's the balance? Well, thank heavens for my sweet husband who simplifies everything that I try to complicate and says something so powerful, and true "Its just a bad day." That's it. I'm not being a horrible mom or a terrible employee. We just had a bad day, and tomorrow will be different. Man oh man, I needed that.

Where would I be without simple truths, and the fact that it was just one bad day, not a bad life.

So, now that I realize that my world is not caving in around me, I will celebrate with some adorable pictures of my sweet Hayes, who makes life so much better and brighter than I ever thought possible!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our animated little guy

Hayes is so animated and funny. He loves to lay on a blanket and have someone just sit and listen to him yell and talk. He could do it for hours. The other day I decided to snap some pics during our conversation... 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sewing baby leggings

I sewed some leggings for Hayes, and lets just say it took a lot of attempts and a few swear words to get a pair that I could put on him. I think I am going to stick to H&M and Gap for his pants from now on. :)

4 months {August 13, 2013}

I can't believe my sweet little Hayes is 4 months old already! Time is seriously speeding up! He is getting to be so much fun and showing us so much of his personality. He LOVES his voice and uses it a lot. Almost every morning (except when his teeth are bothering him) he wakes up with a smile on his face. He really is such a joy! I feel like the luckiest mama in the whole world!

4 Months (August 13, 2013)

Dear Hayes:

You are the funniest baby. I love spending time with you and watching you grow. You love to scream and yell and make noises. You LOVE when people talk to you and you especially love when people tell you how handsome you are. You have been doing so good at my office lately. You love to swing in your swing and you almost always fall asleep in it.

You love your dad and I love to watch you two play. He loves to come home to us and loves when you give him a big grin when he says hello. You have been loving watching snowboarding, skateboarding, and wakeboarding videos with your dad lately. You stare at the screen totally mesmerized by what you're seeing. Your dad is so excited about that and says you are going to love all of those sports. Your dad is convinced you need a boat right now, and is working on getting one for the family. He is convinced you need to be on the lake. :)

One of my most favorite things that you do right now is laughing. We have a video of you laughing at Gator that is so funny, I literally show everyone I see. I love that you talk to me and that you are so happy almost all of the time. You make life so much better! I love you more than you know!

Your mama