I was reading a blog by a woman who lost her child tragically this year. It was so heart breaking and I just couldn't even imagine the heart break that she feels on a daily basis. As I was reading, my heart literally broke for her, and it got me thinking about my Hayesie. What a blessing he is to me. He is quite literally the light of my life. In this women's post she talked about how she missed being a mom, and my heart broke again.
It's interesting to see people's reactions to situations like that. I feel an overwhelming feeling of heart break and gratitude. I am grateful that I can learn from her and that I can look inside myself and make sure that what she is grieving right now, I am fully appreciating. I think she would want that, I would. If I was in her shoes, I would want every mother to look at thier child and love them with everything they've got and to not take one second for granted. I would want them to see the loss and to try to improve their relationships with their children and to be there with their kids. I would want something good like that to come from something so terrible.
That being said, I vow today, to be a better mom. To be there, really be there. I vow to try to never take one second for granted. I vow to try to make something better because I saw her heartbreak.
It's pretty easy with a boy like Hayesie. There are so many things to love about him. He's silly. He's SO happy. He's curious. He's adventurous. He's wild. He's adorable. He's a sweetie pie. He's funny. He is growing before my very eyes and I can't believe it. Nothing is better than being his mom. Today and everyday I am grateful to be Hayes's mom.