Monday, April 14, 2014

1 Year {April 13, 2014}

Today Hayesie is 1! I can't hardly believe it! What a fast year that was. Hayes has been such a huge blessing to our family, and I am so glad he's ours.

Right now Hayes likes:
Macaroni and cheese
Fruit snacks
Drinking water from a straw
Playing with Gator
Being outside
Eating rocks, dirt, sticks, and anything else on the ground
Getting chased
Barking dogs
Trying to climb
Standing up
Water (Splashing in water)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Putting sticks in his mouth (like the drum sticks from his drum)
The man's room
Feeding himself
Opening the microwave door
Opening drawers

Right now Hayes does not like:
Doors closing
Bed time
Not being able to go outside
Car seats
Sun in his eyes
When we try to feed him

At his 1 year appointment he weighed 22.7 pounds and was 29 inches long. They checked his iron level and said he was a little low, so we have started him on an iron supplement. Overall, he is happy and healthy and doing great! Just as much as I loved uneventful pregnancy visits, I love uneventful wellness checks.

The only thing we have struggled with is his sleeping. He has struggled to go to sleep and to stay asleep. I talked to the doctor and came up with some solutions (crying it out, gradual extinction, getting him a toddler bed, keeping a consistent night time routine, later bed time, etc). I talked to Sam about it and we decided to try the cry it out method one more time. Sam took the lead and Hayes has done SO well. He goes to sleep on his own and wakes up only  one time a night, and can usually get himself back to sleep when he wakes up. We are working with grandmas on their days to help them not rock him the whole time he naps (this may be our biggest hurdle). Sam said he had "a talk" with Hayes about the sleeping and that's why he is doing so well. Whatever the reason, I think we are all glad he's sleeping better. (knock on wood).

Hayes wears a size 18-24 mths in most things
His feet are small and he still wears 12-18 month shoes (and can still fit in some 6-12 month shoes)
His favorite toy is his little house with the red roof
He loves to watch Story Bots on Youtube
He doesn't like to get his diaper changed, but will sit there long enough for me to change him if I sing "The Wheels on the Bus"
He crawls like a champion now and is getting REALLY fast
He stands up all over the place and walks along furniture
He will bolt for the bathroom if he sees the door open and goes straight for the bolt covers on the toilet, or the bath tub.
When I clean up his room, if I leave books on the side table he will crawl over and immediately pull them onto the floor.
He can tear all his toys down from the shelf in less than 10 seconds
He LOVES his dad
He LOVES when mom crawls on the floor and chases him or hides behind something and scares him.
He thinks its so funny when Sam jumps
He stills laughs when people sneeze
He bounces when he gets excited
He has the BEST laugh!
He talks a lot and waves

I gave Hayes a kiss on the cheek, and this is how it progressed! hahahha 

What a wonderful year it has been. Thank you for making me a mom a year ago, and for blessing our lives beyond measure! We love you forever!!

1 Year

Dear Hayes:

What a crazy year it has been since you came into our lives. You have brought us so much joy, kept us up so many nights, gave so many kisses, made messes, scared us to death, and stole our hearts. You have grown up so much and it has been such a joy to watch you. You have so much personality and I love just being around you. Some times you test my patients or scare me to death, but I wouldn't trade a second since you came into my life. I love that you are so silly. I love that you are so animated and funny. I love that you are determined and strong willed. I love that you are smart and sweet. I love your cheesy smile. I love your laugh and I love to watch you sleep. You mean the world to me.

I love you forever.

Love, Mom

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