Thursday, February 11, 2016

Nakey Hayesie strikes again

Lately, Hayes has loved to strip down and run around our house naked when we aren't looking. He has even managed to get out of onesie jammies. I can't help but laugh, but I'm always nervous I'm going to get more than I bargained for on my floor or couch if you know what I mean. 

While we're on the topic of Hayes being funny, I've been trying to write down the funny things he says, and even still I know I forget a lot, but here's a few recently: 

When Sam or I are laying down Hayes will come up and say "You weeping mom? You weeping?" then he says "Weet dreams Mom, weet dreams!" He will also say "Happy dreams mom!" 

Hayes found a small calculator the other day and was SO excited. He thought it was a cell phone, however he did keep calling it his "cal calater" but he would talk on like a phone: 
"Hi calcalator, I just watching the garbage truck get the trash, ok bye!" 
"Hi calcalator, I just watching Super Why save the day, ok bye!" 

Hayes can sing the whole theme song to Super Why and sings it randomly, and last night he whispered it while he was going to sleep. "Super Why power to read change the story and save the day, hip hip hooray! Super readers save the day!" 

Hayes loves to tell me "Mom, I can't I working!" 

Hayes is so polite and friendly and when he sees little kids out and about he says to them "Hi fwends! How you doing?!" It's SO much sweeter than the barking we use to do. 

He loves to pretend he's a puppy and barks, and then laughs and says " I a silly puppy!" 

One of my most favorite things still is when he says "Gator by crazy!" and he even sings it sometimes to himself. I seriously die laughing!  

The other day he randomly said to me "Mom, it your birthday! Happy Birthday Mom! Whooo!" hahaha I have no idea where that came 

He is so smart and has started lining up his foam letters for the bath by color. 

His current obsessions are: his train set, his cars (specifically the fire truck and police car), jumping on the tramp, Super Why, Curious George, Ice Age, and Robin Hood, Painting, smashing pasta, his pack pack, and asking where dad is. 

He is slowly understanding the difference between Grandma Lynne and Grandma Sydney. "I go Grammen Sydney's play basketball" "I go to Grammen Weens play dirt!" hahaha 

Picnic time

This week the weather has been SO nice and we have tried to enjoy every last second of it. One day we decided to go have a picnic at the Little League fields. Gator and Hayes LOVED running around and playing in the dirt and on the grass. We spent a good portion of the afternoon soaking up all of Vitamin D we possible could. It was one of those days that's just good for your soul. Hayes, Gator, and I all left tired, happy, and so excited for many more days this spring that look just like this one. Man oh man how I love St. George in February. 

Sibling rivalry

When your sibling is a dog, your fights consist of who's ball is that and who had the stick first. Hayes and Gator love to play and fight over toys like any set of siblings would, and I just love watching them. It makes me laugh. They both don't understand that the other one doesn't understand. (does that makes sense?) We have lots of fun at the park together and these two always seem to make up by the end of the day, even if one ate the other one's stick. :) 

Activity Time {February 2016}

We've been trying to find new fun activities to do inside when it's too cold to go outside. Our favorites lately have been smashing and pouring colored pasta and painting. Hayes LOVES activities he can do all on his own and that don't have many rules. I've found some really fun ideas on Pinterest and Instagram that I'm excited to try. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 2016

I can't believe we have already have one month in the books for 2016. The best parts of January were hiking in Zion, running stadiums, playing with Hayes's new train and Hayes telling me my cooking was "delicious!" :)