Monday, April 15, 2013

39 Weeks {April 15, 2013}

**I wrote this the day before I went into labor, so I technically never made it to 39 weeks, but I had to post this anyways. :)

What a funny place we're in right now. We literally could have this baby any minute. It is so strange to be sitting around waiting for your entire life to change. I envy a little bit the people that schedule their babies. Being able to plan on a date and approximate time would be nice. I am glad though that things have been going well and that my body has a chance to do it naturally. I just wish I had a better idea of when, that being said, I do feel like we're getting close. I thought this morning-- I bet we have him this week.... so who knows, maybe this week it is.

I have been feeling pretty sick to my stomach. It feels very much like when I am almost done having a kidney stone. Not unbearable, but I can tell things are happening. The baby's kicks have been so funny lately. He is getting so strong. The other day he kicked the top of my stomach so hard, so I poked him back. He wiggled around and snuggled back down. I laughed because it was almost like he was kicking be because he's bored in there waiting to come too. I guess we're not the only ones waiting for him to make his appearance.

I have been thinking more and more about trying to go all natural. I think the only thing I can really commit to is trying. This is just so foreign and I know how I get. I am so stubborn that I get myself into really bad places physically, because I don't like to quit. (The marathon this past year is case and point). I don't want to go into labor thinking its going to be easy and that I should just get drugged up, but I also don't want to avoid having an epidural and make things harder on the baby. So, right now I am fully committed to trying and seeing how things go. Sam thinks I am absolutely crazy. He keeps saying "You should just have the baby the modern way." haha and by the modern way- he means epidural the second we get the hospital. He and I had a "come to Jesus" talk about not saying those types of things to me when we are at the hospital. He says he will probably be so scared he won't say anything... hahaha I bet that's exactly what happens. :)... He is a very smart guy.

Week 39-- April 15, 2013

Dear Hayes:

We are so close to meeting you that I can almost taste it. Part of me can't believe its already time, and another part of me can hardly wait a second longer. Me and your dad talk about all the time what we think you'll look like. Its weird to feel like I know you and love you so much and to have no idea what you look like. I have heard that when moms see their babies for the first time the baby recognizes the mom and the mom recognizes the baby. I hope that's what happens for you and me. I am so excited to see you.

I think I am most looking forward to you and your dad meeting. He is so ready to meet you. You and I have had more than 9 months getting to know each other, and this will be the first time he really gets to feel how cool you are. I am excited for that time to come. Gator is pretty excited to meet you too, so don't take too much longer to come and meet everyone.

We are so ready to welcome you into our lives. See you very soon!

Love you!
Love, Mom

Pregnancy update:

Total Weight gain: This part has been kind of weird. For a couple of weeks I was loosing weight, and my total weight gain was around 27 pounds, but then last week all the weight I had lost came right back. So, to date my total weight gain is 31 pounds, but who knows what it will be when I get weighed this week.

Wedding ring: Off. I don't think I have worn it since week 35 or 36.

Cravings: I haven't been able to eat as much lately. I either get crazy heartburn or I get so full so fast I feel sick. When I am hungry I have been loving pudding, fruit snacks,  pizza, and I still love Durangos. I have a hard time eating in the mornings because that's usually when I feel the most sick to my stomach so I have been eating a protein bar for breakfast most days. I use to really love a big glass of milk too, but lately I feel like all milk smells rotten (even though Sam assures me its not).

Clothes: I literally wear the same maxi skirts with a t-shirt or my black maternity pants with a t-shirt. I hate wearing normal shoes because my feet keep swelling up so much, so I wear sandals every day-- even the other day when it was raining and cold.

Sleep: I can still sleep really pretty good. I usually get up one time in the night. For a week though I was waking up every four hours like clock work, and I was wide awake. It was SO weird. I joked that maybe my body was just trying to prep for whats coming, but the waking up has stopped and can pretty much sleep all night (and for me that's at least 10 hours). I hope my body is banking up all those hours so I don't kill over when Hayes gets here.

Swelling: Yup, my hands and feet swell and I feel like my face does too. Luckily its not too uncomfortable  and usually goes all the way down in the morning.

Contractions: Yup, I am pretty sure I have been having some. I am still having a hard time figuring out what I am feeling so I just assume that's what they are. Nothing that I can time regularly enough to get worried or excited, but they are there.

Dilated: Last time I got checked I was between a 2 and 3, but I haven't been checked for two weeks. I will get checked again on Wednesday and see where things are. I have my fingers crossed I am at least a 4.

Mood: I have been pretty normal I think. I do have moments where I feel extra sensitive, but for the most part pretty happy, and tired.

Exercise: I have been walking still. I can usually only go for about 20 minutes, so I have been trying to walk a little at lunch and then 20 minutes in the evening. When I walk I do feel more contractions, but I think the biggest problem is that I am too scared to get too far from home, so I can only tolerate walking around our little block for so long before I am just done. Poor Gator is so confused why we don't walk very far anymore. I think he thinks our walks are kind of a let down now. I have also really tried to do my ball exercises, its crazy how much pressure they take off my back.

1 comment:

  1. Oh your belly is so cute! I saw that you had that cute boy already!! I cant wait to hear the story!! Sounds a little like my first! :( Hope you are doing well! He is adorable!!
