Monday, April 8, 2013

38 Weeks {April 8, 2013}

No matter what calculation you use, I am now considered completely full term. So, he seriously could be here any minute. The closer I get to having Hayes, the more surreal it becomes. Me and my mom talk about ALL the time how being pregnant is A LOT like running a marathon. The only difference I can see right now is that when I run the marathon I know EXACTLY where the finish line is, and I know how long it will take me to get there. With being pregnant, I know where the finish line is- I just don't know exactly where I am on the course. I could be on Main Street, or on 300 South.... (if you have run the marathon you know exactly what I'm talking about). I know the finish line is coming up, I am just not exactly how long its going to take me to get there... I just have to keep moving. I usually spend a good portion of 300 South crying, so if pregnancy is the same, I may be turning on to 300 South right now. I realize if you haven't run the marathon I probably don't make any sense, so to clarify 300 South is the street you finish the marathon on, but you have to run on it for about .3 miles before you finish. .3 miles may not seem like very long at all, but trust me, it is. When you have just run 26 miles and you can see the finish line for the entire time it can take FOREVER to finish. 300 South is where A LOT of people throw up and have their legs give out.  Physically you aren't really sure how you are still going, or why you can speed up, but you do.You accomplish your goal on 300 South.  It can get pretty emotional. In fact, I get pretty emotional just writing about it. I feel so happy that Hayes is going to be my new finish line and I can't imagine anything better to keep working towards than him. (I am so glad I am alone when I write these, because seriously I am an emotional mess, and if anyone saw me I would be so embarrassed).

I feel like I have done all the preparing I can possibly do, and now I am just waiting. I almost wish I still had a list of things to do so I could keep myself distracted. Lately though I feel like I am back in my 1st trimester with being SO exhausted. Luckily I can usually lay down for 20 minutes or so, and I seem to get some energy from that. Walking and keeping moving has helped too. I am betting I have at least a week left, so I hope I don't go absolutely nuts-- or sleep the whole time. 

Week 38 -- April 8, 2013

Dear Hayes:

We're getting closer and closer to meeting you and I can hardly wait to see what you're like. We decided to start making bets on when you will arrive and how big you're going to be. I say you're going to come on April 21. I think you will weigh 7 pounds and 4 ounces. I think you'll be 20 inches long. I really hope I'm right or close to right on you're birthday. I decided that I want to have birthday cake at the hospital when you come... because its not a proper birthday without birthday cake. I am hoping I can talk your dad into picking one up for us once you get here. I love birthdays and I can hardly wait to celebrate yours. 

I have been getting pretty nervous thinking about being you're mom. I hope I don't make too many horrible mistakes. Sometimes when I am out and about I see teenage boys and I wonder what you'll be like as a teenager. Some of the boys I see make me think: "Hayes better not be like that!" and other ones I see I think "I hope Hayes is like that." I hope that you always hold the door open for people. I hope you are nice to people. I hope you are respectful. I hope that you work hard. I hope that you never let other people's opinions bring you down. I hope you are happy. I hope you get silly, but know when to stop. I hope you will always give me a hug and tell me you love me even if your friends are around. 

I can hardly wait to meet you! 
Love you! 

Love, Mom 

The neighbor cats were walking down the street when I took these ones-- Gator obviously had to watch and see where they went so he would know where to start looking for them when he went out front.
 He takes his cat watching very seriously :) 

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