Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pregnancy Thoughts

Being pregnant has been quite a journey for me. I think there were a lot of parts that I knew about and expected, and then there have been other parts that I did not anticipate at all. I know that everyone is different and that the whole pregnancy experience is so different for each woman (and each pregnancy). I have LOVED documenting my journey and looking back over it. I am sure that as time passes I will only love and appreciate my documentation even more. I would have loved my mom's documentation of her pregnancy, and I hope that my kids will one day want to read mine.

The past little while I have really struggled, emotionally. In my heart I am so grateful to be pregnant and have really tried to shy away from sharing too many of the hard parts. I decided yesterday that it was time to share a little better picture of what I have been feeling, not just all the happy exciting stuff. I hope that people understand these are not complaints, and that I am honestly happy to endure as many negative things as needed, if it means I get to have a beautiful little boy. I just need to get it out- and to better cope with my emotions and feelings.... that being said, here goes:

I never really anticipated how emotionally taxing it would be for me to gain so much weight and get so much bigger. I have felt like it is incredibly emotionally draining. I feel like that seems a little superficial, but its the truth. I have gained weight in the past, but never quite to this extent. I can say over and over in my head that its not just me gaining weight, and that weight gain is necessary, but it is still incredibly difficult watch your body literally balloon in front of your eyes. My emotional dilemma with weight gain goes far beyond the girl talk of "I want to loose 5 pounds." and the " I want to get into shape for swim suit season."  After high school I developed an eating disorder called hypergymnasia (which I swear I talk about all the time). I became OBSESSED with loosing weight and being thin, and I did an excellent job of deflecting attention away from my disorder. Unfortunately even though I have worked very hard to reduce my disorder's presence in my life, the obsessive thoughts and negative self talk is still very real. I remember looking in the mirror at the gym during one of my 5 hour gym sessions and only seeing the "extra weight" I was still carrying. That was during the time when Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were really popular, and I use to read articles about how Nicole was 5'3" (my same height) and weighed 92 pounds. Instead of seeing that as a huge problem or something really terribly wrong with her- I viewed it as goal. I completely understand that my complex with weight gain is incredibly unhealthy and I have worked LONG and HARD to overcome and learn to deal with it. However, I would be lying if I said that pregnancy weight gain hasn't been incredibly difficult. I feel like I am just being extra lazy and that I am not as good of a person because I am so big. When people tell me how big I am, or that I am "looking huge" it just constantly reiterates to me the negative feelings I already have inside. I hate that I let what people say make me feel so upset. I feel like its a battle every day to tell myself that its ok, that I am not going to be this big forever, and that gaining weight for pregnancy is a privileged. But, it is still a battle every. single. day.

Not being able to run has also been really hard for me. I think my car crash was really good prep for me to be pregnant. After my crash I was unable to run to cope with life and I had SO many restrictions. I went through an emotional roller coaster on a near daily basis trying to cope with my injuries and with the fact that my main coping tool was no longer an option. It was hard, but I made through and was able to get back into running. I feel like I am back in that same boat again. I feel incredibly restricted and overwhelmed, and my go-to coping tool is again no longer an option. So many days I think- "If I could just have a good ten mile jog I would feel so much better." Unfortunately, physically that's not an option and I am having to find alternate ways to deal with stress, frustration, and emotions. I don't know why I never really anticipated what it would be like to not be able to run again, I should have planned better for that part.

Another thing I never really anticipated was all the worry. I worry about me. I worry about him. I worry about the delivery. I worry about after. I worry about taking care of him. I worry about feeding him. I worry about how much movement I have felt. I worry about every little tweak and change in my body. I worry about Sam. I worry about our relationship after the baby comes. I worry about balancing work and the baby. I worry about how much worrying I do. I feel like I am just constantly worrying about everything, and I can't seem to turn it off. I think part of it goes back to the fact that I have no control. If something is going to happen to me or the baby, its going to happen and there is not a lot I can do to prevent it. Knowing that I have no control causes me a lot more fear and anxiety. Its a scary place to be. I know that it all has to go back to faith and trusting in my Heavenly Father, but even knowing that does not take away all the fear and worry.

As I think about all of these emotional hurdles I am having to cross I can't help but think how minor those are in comparison to so many other problems I could have during pregnancy. I know I am lucky. It feels good to write things down, and get them out of my head. I know that the difficult parts for me will get better, and that it is good for me to learn that my whole self worth is not contingent upon how much I run or how in shape I get. Even if I am incredibly large, I can still be a good person. I hate that I have to tell myself that, because I don't feel like I discount other people's value based on their size, just my own. I guess I have not fully learned that lesson yet, and need to keep working on learning it. I am grateful for the challenges that being pregnant has presented to me, I know I can be a better person because of it. I never thought I would learn so much about myself by being pregnant, and I am so grateful for that. Another benefit of pregnancy I didn't anticipate. Even with all the negative things I didn't anticipate, I feel like there has been even more positives. Amazing how that works.


  1. We are very similar, you and I. Weight gain was extremely hard for me in pregnancy too. No matter how much I told myself it was for the baby, every pound was something that I struggled with.
    Excessive worrying is part of my life now. I really struggle with anxiety and depression and worrying about worrying. I don't know how to overcome worrying because having faith is such a hard thing for me. I know I need to have faith but I don't know HOW to have faith. Ya know?
    Keep holding on. About the weight gain, remember that you will be able to lose it after the baby. It's not permanent unless you make it so. I told myself that hourly.
    Good luck.

    1. Isn't it just awful?! I am sad that you feel the same way I do, but its nice at the same time. Sometimes I feel like the craziest person alive, so its nice to know that I am not alone in my worries.

      I can only imagine all the worrying you must do about your sweet little ones. Thank you for the advise,I really appreciate it!

  2. sorry im blog stalking :) - but I wanted to comment too, I think we all worry- its natural, I would have panic attacks while prego with my first about the same stuff, labor, feeding, relationship with hubby and everything! but it goes away as soon as you hold that sweet baby in your arms and you know everything will be okay no matter what. now that im prego with my 3rd the weight gain in pregnancy is getting to me too- I have always been pretty in shape but while prego its hard not worrying about the pounds your gaining but really like Lindsey said its not permanent unless you make it so I'm positive you will have no problem getting right back to running and being your normal self again. your baby is so lucky you are healthy for him and love him! you are way cute prego and your suppose to have a baby bump :) flaunt it :)

    1. Cassidy! I am so glad you are "blog stalking"! What's your blog, I would love to follow you!? I am so glad to hear that things get better, and that I'm not alone. I didn't know you were expecting, CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you for your kind words, it really does help me feel so much better.

  3. Oh my goodness, I really wish that I was in St. George right now!!! I wish that I could go on a walk with you and talk about EVERYTHING pertaining to pregnancy. I love you and all of your worries are justified, but try to know that everything will work out no matter what. Can't wait to see you for your baby shower! Let's get together that weekend!? March 23rd Right?

    1. Kensey! Some days I just miss you so much I can hardly stand it. I would LOVE it if we could go on walks and talk about all things pregnancy. I can hardly wait to see you! Yes, the 23rd. Your invite is going on today or tomorrow, but plan on it for sure. I hope everything is going good for you. I am dying to catch up with you!

  4. just now reading this post and your whole blog at that. I think you look amazing by the way i know you probably don't see it but it you look great!! reading this post reminded me so much of my self when i was pregnant i struggle hard with the weight gain and watching my whole body change. i remember feeling a lot like you do. that was the hardest part for me. but i always kept in mind that though all the change in me i was creating an amazing person and that it was so worth it. your amazing and will get right back into running. with me and jandee or course;)
