Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years Resolutions {January 1, 2013}

I usually LOVE to make New Years Resolutions every year, but this year I am not as interested in them. Its weird. I LOVE to set goals and to write everything down and plan things out, just not this year. I guess I feel pretty accomplished to make it through the day without a nap, and I don't want to set my goals for the whole year based on how I feel right now. So, my plan is to make post-baby resolutions. I feel like once the baby gets here and I see how things go with that, then I can set my goals for what needs to improve. Just for kicks- I'll set some goals based on how I feel right now- then look back after I have the baby and laugh.

  1. Drink 4-5 bottles of water everyday
  2. Stay up past 8:30 p.m.
  3. Sleep in past 8:00 a.m. on the weekends
  4. Finish the nursery
  5. Have a baby 
  6. Avoid stretch marks
  7. Walk everyday
  8. Go to the gym 2 times a week 
My ideal goals after the baby- that will probably never happen, but since I am writing these down to laugh at later--- here goes:
  1. Nurse
  2. Start walking everyday a couple of days after the baby is born.
  3. After the six weeks, work out 5-6 days a week
  4. By 8 weeks post baby- be back to running. Hopefully 3 miles 4 days a week.
  5. Run the marathon in October 
  6. Work part time from home and part time from the office 
  7. Paint the master
  8. Paint guest room bathroom

Even reading through these now, I have no idea if its attainable or practical, so that's why I am not really setting goals for real until after. So for now, I will be happy to push myself to walk around the block a few extra times, and to drink another bottle of water every day. :) 

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